some ideas for class rules. Then you will share your list with the class.” Guess who she said had to be my partner?
Linny Berry.
Linny moved her chair near my desk. And we both looked at our knees for about one minute. Then I looked at Linny. I said in my quiet voice, “Maybe we should make a rule that you should not take someone’s green crayon. Even if you didn’t mean to.”
Linny said, “That is a good rule, Keena.”
Then she said, “I’m sorry I didn’t invite you to my birthday party.”
I said, “I’m sorry I called you a very bad name. Three times.”
Then Linny said maybe we should make a rule that you shouldn’t call anyone a very bad name. I told her that was a good rule. And Ms. Campbell thought we had good rules too! Although she didn’t understand about the green crayon. She said we shouldn’t take someone else’s crayon of any color. Linny smiled at me when she said that. I think we are going to be friends! I think Friday is my lucky day!
1:30 P.M.
Friday is the most terrible day in the whole wide world. I am in time-out with Mr. Lemon.
4:30 P.M.
Here’s what happened: When we went outside to play after lunch, Ms. Hanson was outside with the boy class. I saw Eric waiting for me at the monkey bars. That is our favorite place to play. But then Linny Berry said, “Hey, do you want to play on the slide?” I decided I should probably play with Linny so she would be my friend for sure. So I said yes. Linny and I started taking turns on the slide. We were sliding pretty fast. Then Linny said, “Hey! Watch this!” She went down the slide headfirst. I was about to go down the slide headfirst too, when I heard Ms. Campbell say, “Linny Berry! That is not safe. Please have a seat.” I decided that going down the slide headfirst wasn’t such a good idea if it meant I would have to sit down. So I went over to the monkey bars and started talking to Eric. I told him that Linny Berry and I were going to be friends! I told him all about our class rules and how Linny said she was sorry that she didn’t invite me to her birthday party. I thought Eric would be very excited.
But Eric didn’t look excited. He said, “Oh yeah? Well Ms. Hanson said that we don’t have to follow ANY rules. And she said that she made a pudding pie for us. She said that she is going to make a pudding pie for us every day.”
I was so amazed. Pudding pie? Every day?
“I wish I could be in your class when you eat pudding pie,” I said to Eric.
“Well, too bad for you,” he said in kind of a mean way. But I didn’t say anything back. I could only think about that pudding pie. When I eat pudding pie, I like to drink milk. The last time my mom made pudding pie, I drank three glasses of milk.
Thinking about all of that milk made me have to go to the bathroom REALLY bad.
So I asked Ms. Campbell if I could go inside and go to the bathroom. I waited for her to say, “No, Keena, we will stop at the bathroom on our way back to class.” But she didn’t. She said . . .
“Sure, Keena, that would be fine.”
So I went to the bathroom. After I went to the bathroom I think I was supposed to go right back outside. But I didn’t. I went into Ms. Hanson’s classroom. I was walking by her door when I noticed that there was a very sharp pencil on every desk. Why did they have pencils? They were supposed to write in pen. So I walked into the classroom to look for the pens. I didn’t see pens anywhere. I DID see a big, long list of rules taped to the wall.
Just then I heard the bell ring. I knew I should run back outside. Or at least GET OUT of Ms. Hanson’s classroom. But I didn’t. I needed to look for one more thing.
I needed to look for pudding pie.
I looked on the table at the front of the room. There was no pudding pie. I didn’t see pudding pie on the bookshelf. So I walked to the back of the room where Ms. Hanson’s desk faced the door. That’s when I heard a lot of feet outside the door. Ms.