rooms and two large bathrooms for residents between the ages of thirty and fifty. John took off his work boots. He splashed just an inch of Brewer's Bourbon in a glass and sat at his table by the window, placed his socked feet in the second chair. Being a maintenance man would probably never entitle him to one of the sparse rooms with a private toilet. That was okay, he hadn't always just swept floors, repaired plumbing and replaced light bulbs. Being here and close to his niece was just fine with him.
John had taken on the responsibility of Rose when he was just thirty years old. He remembered a little of the world before the event, but mostly had known the world after. When his older brother, Rose's father and her mother died of a virus, there was no one left of family other than himself to take care of the feisty red headed six year old. He quickly grew to love her like she was his own daughter.
Even though it was twenty years after the catastrophe, the world was very unstable and many bad people roamed the countryside. John led a strong and effective militia for several years and the rural area that he and Rose lived in stayed reasonably secure. He never had time to marry, as a matter of fact, their country home was in an area that was still very scattered in it's population. This had a lot to do with his decision to move he and his twenty one year old ward to Dallas. He felt like she needed to have more people in her young life. Who knew? He was only forty five years old, perhaps he would find a companion in the big city. So, two years earlier, they had arrived at Brewer's Village and so far, he hadn't regretted his decision.
Just one more little shot and I'll go down the hall and shower. He was glad that Rose had met Eric. He was a good man and it took some of the burden of worry from his shoulders to know that she had someone to watch out for her. She was a tough little gal; he had made sure that she knew how to protect herself and she was capable. This was a big city and there was more than a few things that troubled him, however.
He didn't want to put the heavy boots back on, he slipped his feet into some canvas shoes and gathered some clean clothes to take to the showers. Not a man that you would turn around and stare at, he was a pleasant looking person. Rose looked more like her pretty mother than his brother, with her stunning red hair. Like his brother, his hair was a dark brown, now just touched with gray at the temples. He did have hazel eyes that leaned to the brown hue like his niece, his smile came easy and he had a good sense of humor. Lean and of average height, about six foot, he was stronger than his casual appearance indicated. On occasion a pair of non prescription reading glasses sat on the end of his nose. He had been home educated like so much of the population the last thirty five years but was intelligent and loved to read.
Looking out the window, a thoughtful look on his face, he remembered the conversation that he had earlier in the day with an old friend. About a month before, a man that he served with in the militia came to town. He was just a little older than himself, in reality had been a friend of his brother's. He knew and trusted the man and put in a good word for him. The friend was accepted into Brewer's and worked with him on the maintenance crew. The man could've lived on the lowest residential level but had requested the third floor. The two of them had been repairing some plumbing in an unoccupied room, he said, “John, I want to talk to you about something. You know that I completely trust you and that's why I'm going to tell you some things.”
John had laughed, put down the wrench he was using and said, “What is it, bud? Have you fallen in love with me?”
The man slightly smiled, “Sorry, you're not my type.” He continued, “About three months ago, a man contacted me. Said he was from the government.”
“The government? Don't