Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy Read Online Free Page A

Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy
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the phone.”
    Henry lunged at Peter. He was a mad bull charging the matador.
    “YOWWWWW,” shrieked Peter.
    Henry stopped. He was in for it now. No allowance for a year. No candy for ten years. No TV ever.
    Henry squared his shoulders and waited for his punishment.
    Dad put his feet up.
    “That was a terrible thing to do,” said Dad.
    Mom turned on the TV.
    “Go to your room,” said Mom.
    Henry bounced upstairs.Your room. Sweeter words were never spoken. “

    Now Henry,” said Dad.“Today is the first day of school.A chance for a fresh start with a new teacher.”
    “Yeah, yeah,” scowled Horrid Henry.
    He hated the first day of school.Another year, another teacher to show who was boss. His first teacher, Miss Marvel, had run screaming from the classroom after two weeks. His next teacher, Mrs. Zip, had run screaming from the classroom after one day. Breaking in new teachers wasn’t easy, thought Henry, but someone had to do it.
    Dad got out a piece of paper and waved it.
    “Henry, I never want to read another report card like this again,” he said. “Why can’t your report cards be like Peter’s?”
    Henry started whistling.
    “Pay attention, Henry,” shouted Dad. “This is important. Look at this report card.”

    “What about my report card?” said Perfect Peter.
    Dad beamed.
    “Your report card was perfect, Peter,” said Dad.“Keep up the wonderful work.”

    Peter smiled proudly.
    “You’ll just have to try harder, Henry,” said Peter, smirking.
    Horrid Henry was a shark sinking his teeth into a drowning sailor.
    “OWWWW,” shrieked Peter. “Henry bit me!”
    “Don’t be horrid, Henry!” shouted Dad.“Or no TV for a week.”
    “I don’t care,” muttered Henry.When he became king he’d make it a law that parents, not children, had to go to school.
    Horrid Henry pushed and shoved his way into class and grabbed the seat next to Rude Ralph.
    “Nah nah ne nah nah, I’ve got a new football,” said Ralph.
    Henry didn’t have a football. He’d kicked his through Moody Margaret’s window.
    “Who cares?” said Horrid Henry.
    The classroom door slammed. It was Mr. Nerdon, the toughest, meanest, nastiest teacher in the school.
    “SILENCE!” he said, glaring at them with his bulging eyes.“I don’t want to hear a sound. I don’t even want to hear anyone breathe.”
    The class held its breath.
    “GOOD!” he growled.“I’m Mr. Nerdon.”
    Henry snorted.What a stupid name.
    “Nerd,” he whispered to Ralph.
    Rude Ralph giggled.
    “Nerdy Nerd,” whispered Horrid Henry, snickering.
    Mr. Nerdon walked up to Henry and jabbed his finger in his face.
    “Quiet, you horrible boy!” said Mr. Nerdon.“I’ve got my eye on you. Oh yes. I’ve heard about your other teachers. Bah! I’m made of stronger stuff.There will be no nonsense in my class.”
    We’ll see about that, thought Henry.
    “Our first math problems for the year are on the board. Now get to work,” ordered Mr. Nerdon.
    Horrid Henry had an idea.
    Quickly he scribbled a note to Ralph.

    Horrid Henry took a deep breath and went to work. He rolled up some paper, stuffed it in his mouth, and spat it out. The spitball whizzed through the air and pinged Mr. Nerdon on the back of his neck.
    Mr. Nerdon wheeled round.
    “You!” snapped Mr. Nerdon.“Don’t you mess with me!”
    “It wasn’t me!” said Henry.“It was Ralph.”
    “Liar!” said Mr. Nerdon.“Sit at the back of the class.”
    Horrid Henry moved his seat next to Clever Clare.
    “Move over, Henry!” hissed Clare. “You’re on my side of the desk.”
    Henry shoved her.
    “Move over yourself,” he hissed back.
    Then Horrid Henry reached over and broke Clare’s pencil.

    “Henry broke my pencil!” shrieked Clare.
    Mr. Nerdon moved Henry next to Weepy William.
    Henry pinched him.
    Mr. Nerdon moved Henry next to Tough Toby.
    Henry jiggled the desk.
    Mr. Nerdon moved Henry next to Lazy Linda.
    Henry scribbled all over her
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