head. “If you’re going to target it specifically to them, throw away any conversations about not being sexist and just have her bounce around naked for five minutes. Besides,” she said, looking at Chloe. “You’re not unveiling her entire back story. You can leave things like what she does and doesn’t dominate outside of killing Horde to the imagination.”
Chloe’s brow furrowed for a moment before a small smile replaced it. “I suppose. That is what fan fiction is for.”
The conversation moved in deeper, with everyone taking notes, and things finally wound down as everyone noticed their lunches again.
“ You know.” Chloe locked her attention on Rae, corner of her mouth twitching up. “Someone didn’t like hunting me down on Saturday.”
B arely contained memories broke loose, flooding Rae’s thoughts all at once and raising her blood pressure, reminding her how close Zach sat. She needed to get this under control.
“ I don’t blame her.” Zach pushed his half-eaten sandwich aside again. “A grown woman shouldn’t require hunting down.”
Chloe made a half snort, half laugh noise. “Okay, whatever. My point is she would have called anyone else. Give her your number so it won’t happen again.”
Except she’d called both Chloe and Jordan and it hadn’t done her any good. Rae looked at her sister in disbelief. Her, “How about you don’t let it ha—”
Ran into Zach’s, “Good point.” He was already pulling out his phone. “We’ll swap.”
She should protest. Something about the entire thing sounded like a bad idea. But she couldn’t think of a rational way to phrase it, so she agreed.
Chloe looked smug as she slid back into more random conversation with Jordan. Rae was wondering whether or not she should just bail when her phone buzzed. An excuse. She didn’t know if she was relieved or not.
Her indecision grew when she saw the text from Zach. Had to check.
It took a moment for his meaning to sink in. He thought she might give him a fake number? She couldn’t hide her smile as she met his gaze. He shrugged and nodded at her hand. Seconds later her phone buzzed again.
Can we talk?
Her fingers twitched over the touch screen, but she didn’t type a reply. It was bad enough he was doing this in the middle of lunch — and she might have been bothered if part of her brain wasn’t acting like a giddy child on too much sugar — she wasn’t going to encourage him. She gave him what she hoped was a questioning look.
And seconds later had another message. After lunch? Away from other ears?
Even if she wanted to tell him no , curiosity wouldn’t let her. She gave him a slight nod.
Chloe looked at his phone and then at him. “If you have places you need to be, we won’t be offended if you bail.”
Zach pocketed the device, smug smile marring his face. “I have to wait for the other party to be free anyway.”
Rae exhaled softly at the steel eyes almost searing into her. She needed to calm down. This wasn’t a big deal.
Rae told her sister she just wanted to duck in and say hi to Scott. If Chloe thought the behavior was odd — especially since Rae had never stepped foot in the offices before when Zach was around — she hadn’t said anything.
Now Rae was second -guessing her every movement. What if he read too much into the denim skirt? Lunch with her sister was a good enough reason to dress up.
H er stomach was doing so many flips she was grateful she hadn’t finished her salad. Zach emerged from his office just a few feet away, and she froze, heart slamming into her ribcage. He looked good. Better than good. Delicious might be a better word. He looked up, eyebrow raised, mouth twisted.
She swallowed, not sure what to say. She needed to be casual and get it over with. Get on with life again. He was just the guy everyone she knew worked with. It wasn’t like he mattered to her personally. He’d been the one to teach her she didn’t need a guy to