strong as before. I was clinging on to life with the barest of threads. In essence, I was looking for reasons to live, and ironically, that was keeping me alive. I didn't tell any of this to the red head. I made some excuse about having a lot of assignments, which wasn't necessarily a lie. I had several essays to complete, but they weren't due for a while.
'Thanks for listening to me,' she said as she reapplied her make-up in the mirror.
I had no doubt she would be just fine.
I returned to Austen Hall s slowly, feeling the full effects of my exercise earlier. I had several cramps, but despite that, I wasn't tempted to get inside the lift. The doors closed and the arrow glowed at the next floor it stopped on. I took the stairs one at a time. I knocked on the door loudly. Rene opened the door to me with a wide smile. I looked around discreetly. There was no sign of any male presence. I followed Rene into the living room.
'What are you doing on Saturday?' she asked as I collapsed on the sofa.
I put my feet up on the coffee table which usually annoyed Rene. She was in a great mood today and made no mention of my bad habit.
'Do you want to chill out me and Lewis on Saturday?'
'That guy you saw me with earlier.' Rene grinned. 'We're dating, but nothing is official yet. We're just seeing how it goes, I guess. Do you want to come hang out with us?' she said with concern. 'I don't feel comfortable with you being on your own.'
It would be aw kward. There was no way I was planning on being a third wheel. 'I'm going home,' I said, deciding on the spot. That way Rene wouldn't feel sorry for me and she could enjoy her date with Lewis without me in the back of her mind. I forced a smile.
Rene looked relieved. 'Oh, you have to go home. Is that why your phone's been going off?'
My mother's calls were incessant. I had eighty two missed calls, fifteen text messages and three voicemails. I wasn't excited to see my mother. Our relationship was barely existent due to the fact she resented me for having been born. I used to be jealous of girls who spent time with their mothers and went shopping with them, and had pedicures done together, and everything else daughters did with their mothers. I wouldn't know. 'I'm going to rest for a bit,' I told Rene. I collapsed on top of my bed. The room was dark and the sound of the rain hitting against the pane of window lulled me to sleep.
I laug hed as I chased Lilly through the meadow. She looked back and smiled at me. Two butterflies danced above our heads. Suddenly, the scenery disappeared. The meadow was gone. I came home from school. The door was partially opened. It was never open. Had we been burgled? I turned the door knob and entered my house, scared of what I might find. I went into the kitchen and tripped over something. I looked down and screamed. Lilly's lifeless eyes looked back at me. There was so much blood everywhere, all over her clothes, down her legs and pooling around her body. Her school uniform was strange. The shirt was missing buttons and her skirt was ripped.
'What have you done, Daddy?' I asked in barely more than a whisper.
He looked at the blood on his hands in disbelief. 'I didn't mean to kill her,' he said in a raspy voice. 'I just wanted to shut her up. She wouldn't be quiet,' he continued. 'The neighbours...'
He was a madman. I glanced at the telephone. The cords were cut. He saw what I was looking at. 'You won't tell anyone will you? We'll bury the body. No one will have to know. You're my little girl.'
I shook my head. 'Let's go the police. Give yourself up,' I begged as the tears ran down my face. Lilly, my best friend in the whole wide world was dead. And it was all my fault. I told her she could wait for me at my house and that my parents wouldn't mind.
'Shut up!' he shouted. 'They'll lock me up forever you stupid, stupid girl.'
He began cho king me. I coughed and wrapped my hands around his big ones. He was too strong for me. I was going to die