to Hermit Market. This was the only place in town that she could think of where she’d be able to buy a dog bed and some food. As soon as she walked in the owner greeted her.
“Kori, it’s been so long since you came in here,” Teddi West said, a huge smile across his face. He was her mother’s age and had been Kori’s neighbor growing up. He’d always been a better male role model for her than her father had been. “Have you been shopping somewhere else?”
Kori gave Teddi a quick hug. “I’ve been getting all my produce from Nora now that the growing season is in full swing. And I’ve been buying in bulk direct from suppliers for the nonperishables I need.” She was slightly embarrassed to have to admit that to Teddi, whose business she’d love to support more.
“We’ll have to talk about that,” he teased, mock betrayal in his voice. “I could try to get you deals too.”
“Sure. We can do that.” Kori was happy about the prospect of working with him. “But today I’m here for a dog bed and some dog food.”
“You f inally adopted a dog from Vera!” Apparently the whole town had been rooting for this day.
“I did.” Kori nodded and smiled. She really was happy to be adding this dog to her family.
“Well, let’s go see what I have.”
Kori followed Teddi to the pet supply area and she picked out two beds—one for The Early Bird Café and one for her house above the café. She knew Ibis would likely be sleeping on the couch or her bed, but she’d try her best to confine her to her own dog bed.
Kori walked back up Main Street and was surprised to find Zach waiting at the café’s front door, his back to her.
“Hi,” she greeted him, excitement filling her at the sight of him—alone this time.
“Hey. Let me help you with those.” Zach took the beds from Kori so she was left with just the bag of dog food. She placed it on the ground and unlocked the door. “You got a dog,” he stated.
“Yup. Vera and Nora finally talked me into it. Come inside and meet her—Ibis.”
They both maneuvered themselves upstairs and Kori found Ibis making herself at home on the couch. Kori and Zach laughed.
“These beds might be overkill. It looks like she already found where she wants to sleep,” Zach said.
“Yup. I knew that was a possibility. I’m planning to bring her to The Early Bird with me. Don’t worry, she’ll stay in my office until she passes a good citizen class,” Kori added quickly when Zach opened his mouth in what she could only assume was protest. He closed it again and nodded.
At the sound and sight of people, Ibis jumped off the couch and ran to greet them and receive some petting. Kori dug out a couple of bowls and filled one up with food and the other with water and placed them on the kitchen floor while Zach received kisses from Ibis.
“What a friendly dog,” he said.
Kori gave him a quick history of her past—the little that she knew—and then they endured a brief silence that was only mildly awkward.
“I had a really good—” Kori started.
“Last night was—” Zach said at exactly the same time.
They both paused and laughed, Kori’s shoulders relaxing a little.
“Go ahead,” Zach said.
“I had a really good time last night. Thank you for that.” She smiled shyly.
“Last night was perfect. I wouldn’t have wanted to change anything.”
Kori looked back up at Zach’s face and saw that he was smiling from ear to ear. She was relieved that they were completely on the same page. Maybe Nora was right about Lani Silver being no threat to their relationship.
“Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.
He shook his head. “I’m actually here on unofficial business.” He paused and Kori’s heart leapt into her throat. The last time he came to her on unofficial business she’d been a suspect—the main suspect—in a murder case. “Remember when we were working through Tessa’s murder?”
She nodded. This was sounding worse and