"I don't believe either, but it was actually pretty creepy." He looked up towards Zach to make sure he was out of earshot. "I'm not sure if I'm hoping we get the same kind of stuff or nothing at all."
She looked at him for a second, and then nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
She did? He smiled, and they hurried to catch up with the other two.
"Whoa, you weren't kidding. It is creepy here," Whisper said as they stepped out into the fields. "Like hundreds of eyes are on us."
Josh shivered. "Yeah. Even worse than Monday, if that's possible."
Zach and Kendra frowned and shared a look.
"What?" Josh said. "You don't feel it?"
Zach shook his head, while Kendra said, "It looks like it should wig us out, but I don't feel anything."
Whisper took a deep breath. "I guess we should get to it." She started snapping pictures, not bothering to study the view finder after each. The others followed her lead.
A flash of light passed to Josh's left, though when he looked, nothing was there. "Did you guys see that?"
"No," came the general consensus, though Whisper looked a lot more on edge than the other two.
A thought wormed into his mind that he should snap a few towards the barn, which was still a ways away. He hit the button as fast as possible to get crisp pictures, then clicked back to the first of the three and studied it.
"Guys, come check this out."
"Two of us are girls, Joshy," Kendra said.
"Generic term, Kend. Now hush and take a look."
"That's a person," Zach said.
Whisper shook her head. "Not a person. Look, you can see right through him."
"No way," Kendra said. "It's the light. It's always playing tricks on cameras." She paused, and her voice squeaked to betray her calm. "Right?"
Whisper turned to Josh. "Did something tell you to shoot at the barn?"
"Yeah, did you hear the same thing?"
Her face drained pale. "Yeah. Just before you called us over."
"I didn't hear anything," Zach said.
"Me, either." Kendra rolled her eyes. "Are the ghosts supposed to be talking to us now?"
Josh studied the second and third pictures. "Look. It's completely solid in the second, but almost entirely transparent in the last one." He looked up at Whisper. "If you were going to take your pictures after me, I wonder if it was a different voice talking to you. Maybe another entity wanted you to see it."
"I don't know. I don't think I could describe it if I wanted to. It was just sort of weird and garbled. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman."
"Yeah, mine too." He chuckled, though he was sure his nerves showed through. "Or even if it was human."
Zach and Kendra snapped a continuous flood of pictures at the barn and all around the field. "C'mon voice, I want to hear you, too," Zach said. It might have been funny if the mood wasn't so heavy, so dark.
Whisper spun and took a number of shots towards the far edge of the fields, on the opposite side of the barn. "The voice?" Josh asked. She nodded.
He looked over her shoulder at the view screen as she rewound to the first of the pictures. The first looked blurry, as if a heavy fog stood in front of them. The second appeared a bit clearer, and it revealed shadowy figures standing about. The next few showed what looked like old-timey farmers working on the fields. In the last, they stopped working and stared at the camera. Goosebumps erupted all over Josh's body. The ghosts knew they were here. The fog flowed back in the final picture.
"I'm not sure I like this," Whisper said. "I don't think they want us here."
The strange feeling hit Josh again, and he brought the camera up and took a bunch of snaps towards the barn again. Whisper watched him, and when he brought the camera down to check the screen, she stood shoulder to shoulder with him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he noticed how close she stood, but the ghostly pictures and creepy feelings pushed the thought away.
Before he could focus on the pictures, a flash of movement caught his attention towards the