you say is true, then a hell of a lot of my life and future changed on that island. You and I are going to go back to where it all started.”
She stared in bewilderment at him. Had she expected him to walk away? He wasn’t sure if he was angry or resigned over that fact.
“We’re going to relive those weeks, Bryony. Maybe being there will bring it all back.”
“And if it doesn’t?” she asked cautiously.
“Then we’ll have spent a lot of time getting reacquainted.”
“H ave you lost your mind?” Ryan demanded.
Rafael stopped pacing and leveled a stare at his friends, who’d gathered in his office.
“Let’s not talk about who’s lost their mind,” Rafael said pointedly. “I’m not the one mounting a search for the woman who screwed me over with my brother.”
Ryan glared at him then shoved his hands into his pockets and turned to stare out the window.
“Low blow,” Devon murmured.
Rafael blew out his breath. Yeah, it had been. Whatever the reason for Ryan trying to track down his ex-fiancée, he didn’t deserve Rafael acting like an ass.
“Sorry, man,” Rafael offered.
Cam leaned back in Rafael’s executive chair and placed his feet up on the desk. “I think you’re both certifiable. No woman is worth this much trouble.” He clasped his hands behind his head and leveled a stare in Rafael’s direction. “And you. I don’t even know what to say to your crazy idea of going back with her to Moon Island. What do you hope to accomplish?”
That was a damn good question. He wasn’t entirely certain. He wanted his memory back. He wanted to know what had made him go off his rocker and supposedly fall in love with and impregnate a woman in a matter of weeks.
He was thirty-four years old, but from all accounts, he’d acted like a teenager faced with his first naked woman.
“She says we fell in love.”
He nearly groaned. Just saying the words made him feel utterly ridiculous.
The three other men stared at him as if he’d just announced he was taking a vow of celibacy. Though at the moment, it didn’t sound like a bad idea.
“She also claims the child she’s pregnant with is yours,” Devon pointed out. “That’s a lot of things she’s claiming.”
“Have you talked to your lawyer?” Ryan asked. “This entire situation makes me nervous. She could do a lot of damage to this deal if she goes public. If she spills her tale of you being a complete bastard, knocking her up and hauling ass before the ink on the contracts was dry, it’s not going to make any of us look good.”
“No, I damn well haven’t spoken to Mario yet,” Rafael muttered. “When have I had time? I’m calling him next.”
“So how long are you going to be gone on this soul-searching expedition?” Cam asked.
Rafael shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “As long as it takes.”
Devon glanced down at his watch. “As much as I’d love to stick around and be amused by all this, I have an appointment.”
“Copeland?” Cam smirked.
Devon curled his lip in Cam’s direction.
“The old man still adamant that you marry his daughter if you want the merger?” Ryan asked.
Devon sighed. “Yeah. She’s…flighty, and Copeland seems to think I’d settle her.”
Rafael winced and shot his friend a look of sympathy.
Cam shrugged. “So tell him the deal’s off.”
“She’s not that bad. She’s just young and…exuberant. There are worse women to marry.”
“In other words, she’d drive a stick-in-the-mud like you crazy,” Ryan said with a grin.
Devon made a rude gesture as he headed toward the door.
Cam swiveled in Rafael’s chair and let his feet hit the floor with a thud. “I’m off, too. Make damn sure you give us a heads-up before you head off to find yourself, Rafe.”
Rafael grunted and claimed his chair as Cam followed behind Devon. Ryan still stood at the window and he turned to Rafael once they were alone.
“Hey, I’m sorry for the crack about