Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves) Read Online Free Page B

Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves)
Book: Enforcer (Cascadia Wolves) Read Online Free
Author: Lauren Dane
Tags: Romance
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an orange glow, flickering over his face as they passed by. He wasn’t thirty yet and already he had lived a hard life. Poverty, abuse, lawlessness, neglect—that combined with too much alcohol had given his once sweet face a hardened edge.
    She sighed, not for the first time, grieving for what might have been for Gabriel but quickly put it away. She couldn’t afford to wallow, certainly not now.
    They turned into the parking lot of a seedy motel near the airport and she pulled in to the back, out of sight of the street. She bit back her instinctual lecture on his choice of motel. The place was in town and within ten miles of the Pack house, but lectures would be pointless.
    They went into the room and she put her stuff down. Looking down, she realized she’d left the kit in the car. She headed back to the door. “I’ll be right back,” she called out as she left the room.
    “Need help?” Gabriel called out as he followed her outside, wearing a sweet smile. In that face was the Gabe of her childhood, the sweet little boy with nothing to hide, a loving and happy kid who had a family that took care of him. Her heart constricted in her chest at the memories of that very long ago Gabriel Reyes and mourned his loss.
    She bent to unlock the car and felt the prickle on the back of her neck. Trouble. Time slowed as she spun around just as they were jumped. Four very large men, wolves she’d be willing to bet, rushed at them from out of the darkness.
    Gabriel snarled as his wolf began to surface in reaction to the threat. He called out to Nina to run, to get out of there, as two of the wolves grabbed him. “Get off my sister!” he said in a growl as he attempted to fight free.
    One of the wolves had Nina’s ponytail in a tight grip and yanked her backwards. Facing her brother as she struggled, Nina watched, horrified, as one man put a gun to her brother’s head and pulled the trigger. A cry of gut-wrenching grief tore from her as he crumpled to the ground. Sound, time, movement rushed back at her at super speed. She screamed as loudly as she could and delivered an elbow to the jaw of one of her attackers. She spun and gave a roundhouse kick to the solar plexus of the other and a good, solid right hook back to the first one. Both hit the deck and she turned back to where the man with the gun was, expecting to be shot at any moment.
    But the shooter suddenly crumpled. She looked up and saw Lex standing there, fury on his face and blood on claws that slowly morphed back into a human hand.
    She lost her footing for a moment and then scrambled to her feet. Ruthlessly, she tried to think, compartmentalized as best she could. She didn’t have the time to fall apart! Forcing her thoughts away from how Gabriel’s eyes had blanked, losing their life after he’d been shot, she attempted to focus. But the slice of reality cut through her, she was alone in the world.
    No! She would not let that stop her now. Nina Reyes was not a quitter. She would see this through until she found out who killed her brother. There was time to fall apart later, but for now she was in a bad place. Shaking her head clear, she heard men around her, saw people moving bodies quickly.
    Lex looked at her long and hard and she backed up a step, glancing right and left, looking for an avenue of escape. She was pale. He could see her pulse beating erratically in her throat. Her hair was partially out of the ponytail she had it in, her glasses were on the ground and he bent to pick them up. Surreptitiously, he wiped off the blood spatters.
    “Don’t even think about it, Nina. My brother is right behind you. There’s nowhere to go.” He looked her over carefully. “Are you all right?” he asked in low, soothing tones. He handed her glasses to her. “Here, you probably need these.”
    “Get. Out. Of. My. Way.” She enunciated each word very carefully. Her lip was swelling where one of the thugs had hit her and she tasted blood. She also had a very sore
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