End Online: Volume 5 Read Online Free Page A

End Online: Volume 5
Book: End Online: Volume 5 Read Online Free
Author: D. Wolfin
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Virtual reality, Kingdom, mmo, game, litRPG
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sword and extends
forth. Flame Waves!”
    Matrix’s sword slashes through the air with pinpoint precision.
As it swings, flames lick the blade of the weapon and fly from the swordpoint
as a blade of flame. The blade of flame cuts through the air in the same
direction that the sword swings, creating a line of red sparks and sharp flames
from Mason to the boss. He swings the sword several times in succession, each
creating its own flame blade.
    My eyebrows knit together as I stand there motionless and mouth
agape after hearing his ridiculous, self-made poetry. He has been doing this
ever since we were trying to do something different to have my videos stand out
from the rest and become more popular. The first two videos with his shameless
chanting showed some results, but there was nothing after that.
    Despite how many times I tell him to cut it out, he still
persists. He is so proficient in magic that he doesn’t even need to call out
the chant at all. He could save himself a great deal of time if he simply
listens to me and starts using magic silently.
    Matrix’s flame blades pass through the boss with little
resistance, most likely due to the fact that it is made from a condensed gas.
At least the boss takes damage, it’s health bar becoming visible despite still
appearing to be full.
    Matrix holds the boss’s attention consistently, healing himself
when needed, dodging rather than attempting to parry, and occasionally
responding with a long distance magic attack. My accuracy continues to increase
as well, with nine out of ten arrows now hitting the boss.
    Half of my of arrows are gone, stuck all along the walls after
passing through the boss. There is even an arrow sticking out of Matrix’s hip
which, despite his understanding, I feel incredibly guilty about.
    I decide I will call the boss ‘Gas Child’ for easy reference.
His health finally falls below half and the visible health bar turns orange. At
this point, there is a distinctive change. He suddenly enlarges and his form
vanishes as he disperses. Even the health bar vanishes from sight as the area
begins to fill with purple-black smoke. Smoke fills every corner of the room,
attacking both Matrix and I at the same time and leaving no room to dodge. The
damage to my health isn’t too bad, but a message appears that causes my chest
to constrict.
    'Grand Elven Bow' Durability has fallen below 10%:
~ Damage has been reduced by 40%
~ Attack speed has been reduced by 40%
    'Orcish Gauntlets of Archery' Durability has fallen below 10%
~ Defence value has been reduced by 40%
~ Additional effects have been reduced by 30%
    'Golden Imp Leather Cuirass' Durability has fallen below 10%
~ Defence value has been reduced by 40%
~ Additional effects have been reduced by 30%
    'Hayater Leather Cap' Durability has fallen below 5%
~ Defence value has been reduced by 60%
~ Additional effects have been reduced by 50%
    'Soft Haste Boots' Durability has fallen to 0
~ Item has broken and can no longer be used 
    ' Guiding
light(Necklace) ' Durability has fallen to 0
~ Item has broken and can no longer be used
    Disregarding all the nearly broken equipment, the two items that
actually broke are the most devastating. Broken items are automatically
unequipped and placed back in the player inventory. The problem is that once an
item’s durability reaches zero, they are considered to be beyond repair.
    The smoke suddenly shifts, rapidly gathering together to reform
‘Gas Child’. I don’t immediately realize it, but the boss is gathering its body
in a completely different location from where it dispersed. When the smoke
clears enough, I see where the boss is reforming.
    I nock an arrow, and my bow glows a pale blue as I prepare to
release my ‘Piercer’ sacred art as soon as Gas Child becomes solid. In the
space of a few breaths, the boss reforms its body again and brandishes its
whip, but I don’t fire. The boss is directly behind Matrix!
    My little brother is standing there
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