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Book: Deception Read Online Free
Author: Elizabeth Goddard
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her, Colin talked to David about going back to the falls to look around.
    Then he ushered Jewel through the exit where his Jeep waited and assisted her into the passenger seat, taking care he didn’t hurt her. On the drive back, he took the bumps and the potholes slowly and carefully.
    Anger boiled beneath the surface at the thought of her injuries. At the thought of someone actually trying to hurt her. At the image of someone pushing her into those falls.
    He would have to prevent them from trying again.
    But he knew firsthand how difficult it could be to stop a killer. He’d attempted and failed before, and as a result, Katelyn, the woman he’d planned to propose to, had been murdered.
    And he’d known all along who had wanted to kill her, and still Colin hadn’t been able to prevent her murder. With no idea where to even look for Jewel’s attacker, how was he going to be able to keep her alive?

    T he next morning, Colin walked the trail with one of his officers, Terry Stratford, along with Cade and David Warren, who were friends and had been part of the search and rescue for Jewel.
    He almost wished Dead Falls Canyon, both the river and several waterfalls, were far from town, where they’d be less of a danger to the people under his jurisdiction, which included the city and borough of Mountain Cove and encompassed two thousand square miles, most of that wilderness in the Tongass National Forest.
    But the majestic scenery and unparalleled adventures of the region were all part of the package. The splendor, the pristine nature and magnificent views brought tourists. One of the many reasons people chose to live here.
    But beauty had turned deadly more than once.
    After his officers and forest rangers had searched the area yesterday and came up empty-handed, he’d decided that Jewel’s attacker was long gone, and there wasn’t reason enough to close off the whole region to nature enthusiasts.
    Today’s revisiting of the crime scene hadn’t turned up any evidence or clues either, so far. Jewel’s party hadn’t been the only one to hike the trails or view the falls, so there was no way to try to trace anyone’s tracks.
    Colin maintained a keen sense of his surroundings in case someone was watching him. He had that sensation as they hiked the trail, but it could simply be curious hikers wondering what had brought the police out on the trails today.
    They’d walked the five-mile circular trail that led to the top where Jewel claimed to have stood and looked down. This was some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, and now it would likely be ruined for Jewel unless she could somehow put those events out of her mind.
    He was asking for the impossible. Colin had moved to Mountain Cove to escape his own devastating experience in Texas. He hoped Jewel wouldn’t have to take such drastic measures.
    Under normal circumstances, he’d have his officers roam the woods now, searching again for evidence, rather than coming out here himself. He had enough paperwork stacked on his desk and phone calls to answer to last a lifetime, and the tourist season was only beginning.
    But this wasn’t normal. This was Jewel Caraway. The thought of losing her, that moment when he’d thought she could have been dead, had forced him to look deep, even though he knew he couldn’t make it too personal and had to tread carefully.
    As police chief, loving someone would only cloud his judgment and get someone killed one day—he’d already paid that price. He would never let that happen again. He found it easy to care about someone from a distance, but better not to care at all.
    David and Cade stood next to him, staring down at the crushing force of rushing water. Listened to the roar. Felt the moisture cloud envelop them. No wonder she hadn’t heard someone approach from behind until the instant before impact. And she certainly hadn’t known to be wary
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