ram.” She grinned at the inanity. “It doesn’t hurt as much as I
feared it would.”
“I’m glad. The first time is often painful for a woman. But
from now on you should feel only bliss.”
He kissed her again and felt her lower body relax even more.
Her deep breath sighed out in his mouth. Against his chest, her nipples
hardened. Around his shaft, her cunt juices slickened her grasp. He pulsed. She
clenched and took him deeper.
“Withdraw when I withdraw. Push up as I push down.”
Nodding, she pulled her hips down. Her cunt muscles resisted
and she groaned. When he eased forward, she pushed up. Her juices flowed,
easing her hold on his shaft.
“Yes.” He eased out. Her eyes changed from hazel to golden
brown. When their bodies met again her eyes were dark brown bordering on black.
“Aren? Can we move a little faster?”
“Set the pace to what pleases you.” He sent a silent plea
that his shaft could outlast her slick heat and tight sheath. He’d been months
without a woman, never mind one who tested his restraint.
“I want to touch you.”
He nodded permission and held his breath. If she touched his
balls he’d explode. Explode long before he’d given her the rapture a woman
deserved, be it her first time or her thousandth. Her thousandth. He smiled at
the thought, looking forward through the years of their marriage and all the
pleasures they would bring each other. On the heels of joy came a bolt of fear.
How would she react when she learned she would never go home? That she belonged
here, in his arms, in his bed. His. Forever.
Distracting him—praise the gods!—she explored his hair.
“It’s very thick but feels like silk. On my homeworld, when a girl reaches her
mating time, she would kill for hair like yours. Men like soft, thick hair.”
“I thought you wanted to move.” His shaft throbbed.
Her eyes widened. “As you wish, Aren.” Her hands slid down
his back. Her fingers cupped his buttocks then dug in. Wrapping her legs around
his waist, she circled her hips as if recreating his fingers in her cunt.
He moved with her. Lust pounded in his ears. Her soft moans,
her rapid pants and avid kisses took him higher. She was like a tiger in his
arms—all lithe muscle and hot flesh as she writhed against him.
“More,” she cried. “Oh Aren. Aren!”
Her climax pulled him deeper inside her. His balls pulsed as
if she milked them. His cum erupted through his shaft and he thought he felt every
drop as it flowed from his balls into her heated cunt.
“Sweet Flame,” he groaned, rolling to his back with her in
his arms. “You’ve scorched me.”
She hummed as she stroked his eyebrows. Her eyes retained a
hint of black that gradually softened to gray. Then, as he had expected, they
turned blue-green.
“You are content,” he said, surprised that he sounded proud
of himself.
Her elbows poked his chest as she tried to free herself. He
tightened his hold, administering a sharp slap to her buttocks. Her eyes black,
she glared at him.
“When you summoned Drew, is this what you intended to do
with her?”
Deliberately misunderstanding, he said, “Drew is too young
for fucking.”
“Barbarian! You know that isn’t what I meant.” Her stormy
eyes aroused him. His shaft hardened and throbbed. “Already?”
“Yes. And so are you, Flame. Your cunt heats and twitches.
Your eyes darken and your skin flushes. You want my shaft sliding in and out
until you shatter.” He shifted her legs over his hips. “Sit up.”
Surprising him, she did. Glaring. He grabbed two pillows,
shoving them under his head. “I shall plan better next time.”
“Next time?” Her voice squeaked. Her lashes drooped, nearly
hiding her eyes.
Grateful the pillows were so thick he could suckle her while
she rode him, he cupped her breasts. Her nipples pearled, twin seros ripe for
Unable to resist, he plucked. Her breath hitched. “I have
heard Amazonian women are excellent riders. Are