over these – no, seriously, look at these joins. C'mere. Look.”
Thomas glanced over at where Jackson pointed. “Well done.” Thomas didn't know what he was looking for. It was definitely a section of Cameron's railings for the landing above his living room. It looked... well, just like the plan had shown. “You'll find a man who appreciates... well-forged joins.”
Jackson laughed and turned the whole metal piece over. It clanged against the table as he inspected the cooling rods he'd just joined. “Thanks for your vote of confidence.”
“Have you thought about trying?” Thomas asked casually, hoping he didn't give himself away with some nervous tic.
“Yeah, actually,” Jackson answered. He paused and looked at Thomas, but he didn't seem to suspect anything. Instead, he looked back at his piece. “Can you... not tell Cam this?”
Thomas perked up with curiosity. “Of course.”
“I just registered for an online dating site. I was getting Chase to help me with my profile.” Jackson fidgeted with his hammer, tapping it against the metal here and there.
“Cool,” Thomas answered to show his brother that he was fine with it. Jackson was a little old-fashioned in some ways.
“Yeah!” Thomas laughed. “Everyone's meeting people online these days. But why not tell Cam? He wouldn't mind either.”
Jackson rolled his eyes. “Cause he'll make fun of me.”
Thomas snorted with laughter. “Oh, can't take the heat?”
“Fuck off and get us a couple beers from my fridge,” Jackson laughed.
Thomas grinned and punched Jackson's shoulder on the way by. “Let me know if you meet up with anyone on there, yeah?”
“I will. Thanks, man.” Jackson looked more relaxed already and offered Thomas a smile. Little did Jackson know that Thomas had other reasons for offering brotherly support. Then, the question Thomas was hoping not to hear. “Hey, what about you?”
“What about those beers?” Thomas countered with a grin and walked out to grab them. He knew Jackson would let it drop when he came back to the workshop... Jackson and Cam took hints well.
Chapter 6
After he finally put out the forge for the night, Thomas having long since gone to read, Jackson checked his messages. So far, just a student who was too young for him and two guys who wanted to hook up.
He reminded himself what Chase had said. It would take time before people found his profile, and he should browse profiles and message others. With Thomas's support, he'd have a second opinion if he wasn't sure about someone. Thomas was a scarily accurate judge of character, and he didn't hold back with the truth. At least Thomas rarely made fun of Cam and Jackson like they did each other.
Even though Jackson wanted a date, he just couldn't be bothered to actively look for one.
He rubbed his chin as he set aside his laptop and turned on the television instead.
A date implied romantic pressure. Then there was that awkward chemistry assessment, and the bit where they tried to work out who was a top. Some guys weren't ballsy enough to just ask. Most assumed he was, anyway, and they weren't wrong.
Jackson wished he could have something a bit more... comfortable. Kind of like when Chase hung around, but with chemistry.
Well, with mutual chemistry.
Jackson had felt a weird moment when he'd walked Chase to his front door to collect his sweater before seeing him off. It was like the end of a first date when you didn't know whether to go for a hug or a kiss or a handshake. Jackson had ended up offering a handshake and half-hug in thanks for the profile help.
In response, Chase had just given him a polite “bye for now” and smiled. He must not have felt the same potential as Jackson. Jackson's arm had slid around that willowy body for a hug and Chase's warm body had pressed up against his...
He drew a breath and let it out, trying to get those thoughts out of his head.
Fuck. Maybe I do need to get laid if I'm thinking