Very little is ever wasted on a space station. The processor was run by a mechanical computer called the Dual Automatic Volatile Environmental system model 9000. Or Dave for short. ‘Dave’ was NOT an AI, like Wilson. He was an advanced computer with simulated AI features. Basically, his programing allowed him to emulate a real AI but, he needed a list of suggestions and orders to perform. The control room, unlike others on the station, was very basic. Technicians only visited once a month to review ‘Dave’s” orders. There were two monitoring terminals and a large black computer module mounted on the back wall. All three units were covered with dust and grime. It looked like contrary to orders, no living person had been down here is a very long while. A round red light, the audio and video receiver for the computer, glowed through the dust.
I sent Jasper to look for some cleaning supplies. I wiped the filthy screen with the sleeve of my uniform. Checking my tablet for the passwords, I typed in the proper code and waited. The screen ‘blinked’ a few times the word ‘query..’ came on the screen. I typed in a question about faults in the system. There was a crackle sound and dust began falling from the ceiling. The computer began speaking through a hidden sound system. “Welcome back. There is a fault in the AE-35 unit.”
“Dave, do you receive audible commands?” I spoke to the computer.
“Yes, I can receive commands.”
“What kind of fault is in the system and what is its function?” I knew this thing wasn’t like Wilson but it reminded me of him.
“Unit AE-35 controls the compactor system. The fault is located in the door mechanism.”
I paused the machine a moment. “Wilson, can you get into this thing and see what is wrong?”
“Athena, I can try. Whoever programmed this thing did a really good job. It is about as close to an AI as anything I have ever seen. I wonder why it is down here? Something this sophisticated should be up on the bridge or in a ship.”
While he tried to get into it, I un-paused the system and finished the message. Ensign Stone returned with the supplies and I had him begin cleaning the controls and walls of dirt. I shook my head at the poor management skills that let something like this slide.
“Athena, I was able to access the command history of this thing. It has not received a direct order in over 15 years! Whoever was assigned down here was definitely not doing their jobs. I am still trying to access the logic core and check its intelligence matrix. The coding is a little funky.”
“How funky? As in funny or weird?”
“It is almost like they were trying for an AI like me but let a few things undone. If this thing is an AI prototype what is it doing here?”
“Well Wilson, that sounds like a research project for you to work on. I’m taking the Ensign here and go fix the door malfunction.”
It was Ensign Stone that figured out how the door to the compactor opened. The round room connected to all the trash and liquid processors. “Wilson, which door do we take?”
“Athena use door XRD1 that should take you into the compactor. Be careful in there.”
We entered the proper door and looked around. An airtight door led to a large box like structure. The interior of the box was the compactor. The door was slightly ajar. I checked both the hinges and then the locking mechanism, the problem was on the inside of the room. I had Ensign Stone prop open the door and I began dismantling the lock. The circuit board had shorted out. My repair kit stated that a power overload had shorted it out.
“Wilson, see if you can check the power systems. This circuit should not have shorted out.” Silence. Wilson didn’t respond.
“Wilson? Answer me, please.”
A new voice sounded in the room, it was Dave. “I’m sorry, but I know that you and Wilson were going to disconnect