Canes of Divergence Read Online Free Page A

Canes of Divergence
Book: Canes of Divergence Read Online Free
Author: Breeana Puttroff
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Paranormal & Urban
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the two of them were still figuring out what their relationship was going to be like, but watching him now – there was no doubt how he felt about her, and now about her child. Of course, right at the edges of the warm fuzziness was the ache in her chest that never quite went away.
    “I’m so sorry that you mother isn’t here, sweetheart,” Nathaniel said, as if he sensed what she was thinking. “Or the rest of your family. I wish they were all here. And I really wish Samuel was here. This would have been a shining moment for him.”
    “It’s still a wonderful moment,” William came to sit on the edge of the bed beside Quinn. He handed her a glass of juice and put his arm around her, squeezing her shoulder gently. “I know wherever Quinn’s father is, he’s seeing this now, and I still – we still – have hope that Quinn will see her family again, that they’ll get to meet our son, even if it’s not today. But today is still a pretty great day.”
    “Yes, it is,” Quinn agreed, nodding. And it was. S he would always miss her family; it would always be hard, but something had shifted inside her when William had first set the baby on her chest last night. The joy she’d felt then … the same joy she felt now when she saw that sweet little face … outweighed all of the sadness.
    “We wanted to tell you that we’ve chosen a name,” she said. “I know it’s supposed to be a secret until the Naming Ceremony, but we thought you might like to hear it first.”
    “We were thinking Samuel … Samuel Owen Rose.”
    Nathaniel’s eyes lit up. “That’s perfect.” He looked down at the baby. “A perfect name for a perfect little boy,” he cooed, leaning down to kiss little Samuel on the forehead.
    “So is everyone else pacing the hallway waiting to get in here?” Quinn asked, once Nathaniel finally handed the baby back to her.
    He grinned . “Only Thomas. Charlotte and Stephen are anxious to see you, of course, but they’ve been through this enough times now to be patient. Alice has asked a few times, too.”
    “Bring them in,” Quinn said. “There’s no telling how much longer we have until he needs to eat again.”
    William sat down beside her, resting his hand on Samuel’s little head. “If how he’s been so far is any indication, I’d give it half an hour, tops.”
    A lmost as soon as Nathaniel went out, Thomas appeared in the doorway, making Quinn chuckle. “You really were out there waiting for an all-clear, weren’t you?”
    “I only have a limited time to spend with my nephew before you run off back to Philotheum with him.” He grinned. “I have to soak up every second I can get.”
    William rolled his eyes. “You’re coming with us at first.”
    “But only for the Naming Ceremony. I’m not staying.” Thomas’ eyes were on Samuel now. “You two and Linnea and Ben are going to have all the fun after that. Hand him over, Sis. It’s my turn.”
    She thought about teasing him for a second, but then she saw the look in his eyes – behind all of the banter, he was quite serious – and she let William take the baby from her arms and hand him to his brother.
    He was so natural with the baby; Quinn was reminded instantly of the first morning she’d ever known Thomas, when he’d so easily taken his youngest sister from his mother. Now, he hel d little Samuel in front of him so they were facing each other. For several moments he was silent, just studying his nephew, while the baby lay there contentedly. Finally, he bent down and kissed Samuel on the forehead before turning his attention back to them.
    “I can’t believe you’re a father, Will.”
    “No, neither can I. I always figured you would be the first one of the two of us – I was never sure I’d ever get to be one at all.” He sat down next to Quinn again, putting his hand on her knee.
    Quinn couldn’t help rolling her eyes. “Whatever. You’re eighteen, Will. And Thomas, you’re sixteen. In my world,
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