acknowledgement despite his full attention being on the onslaught ahead.
He broke through the rest of the crowd with less chivalry than he’d used on her before wrenching Nathaniel back from the scrum as Corbin finally got a handle on Lucus.
Her heart skipped a beat as she witnessed Jask swiftly take control of the situation, the pack backing off as their alpha stepped in.
Without hesitation, he slammed Nathaniel face first against one of the nearby pillars as Corbin did the same with Lucus.
Anxiety was replaced with a whole different sensation sweeping through her body as she watched Jask brace himself, his parted legs firm and steadfast, his biceps straining against his shirt sleeves, his forearm tense against Nathaniel’s shoulder blades.
But feeling the intensity of being watched, Sophia glanced over her shoulder to meet Leila’s troubled gaze, accompanied by a frown that told her that her big sister now had even more ammunition to persuade her to concede to what she wanted her to do.
N athaniel dared to try and retaliate, but Jask maintained a steadfast stance as he locked the lycan’s arm up behind his back, applying enough pressure to keep him pinned against the post.
‘Enough,’ Jask warned quietly in his ear, as Nathaniel remained glowering across at Lucus. ‘I said enough .’
He glanced over to see Corbin had finally secured the same control.
‘Everyone out!’ Jask commanded. He looked across his shoulder at Hank. ‘I want you, Sorran, Elias and Jonah to stay.’
Hank nodded, taking the lead to clear the space.
As soon as Nathaniel knew he was overpowered, Jask turned him around and placed his forearm firmly across his chest to keep him pinned against the pillar.
He stared deep into Nathaniel’s eyes, his dilated pupils, picking up on the red ring around his irises, already bleeding into what would soon become completely bloodshot eyes if he didn’t calm his temper. The lycan was also breathing heavier than he should have been.
He lifted Nathaniel’s upper lip to examine his extended canines, his gums pale rather than a healthy pink, his jaw clenched.
Jask could see his temple throbbing, could hear the increase in his pulse and, as he placed the back of his hand against his forehead, could feel a fever taking hold of him.
‘Take it easy,’ Jask said, keeping his tone calm and tempered at the confirmation that this was far from a punishable altercation.
This wasn’t Nathaniel’s fault. No doubt it wasn’t Lucus’s fault either.
It was the event he had been dreading. It was the event he was hoping would have passed them by.
Deep down, he’d known he’d been hoping for too much.
As soon as Nathaniel’s breathing eased and his pulse rate dropped, Jask pulled him from the pillar and handed him to Hank and Jonah.
‘Get him in the water,’ Jask said. ‘He swims it off until he’s exhausted, until it eases. You don’t leave his side until you know he’s calm.’ He looked across at Elias and Sorran. ‘I want the same done with Lucus. I’ll check on them shortly.’
They took control quickly and led Nathaniel out of the room first.
Lucus was escorted out a couple of minutes behind him, heading in the opposite direction.
‘It broke out minutes before you arrived,’ Corbin said, stepping over to join him.
‘Do you know what instigated it?’
‘They were in the midst of standard training when the combat turned nasty.’ And Corbin confirmed what Jask already knew. ‘Jask, they both took the later dose.’
The first set of supplies Caleb had turned up on their doorstep with had gone straight to the young. When they’d got the second set the following day, they’d given a full dose to half of the pack whilst allowing the rest to have at least a half dose to prevent full morphing if nothing else. By the time they’d gained the rest, it had clearly been too late to inhibit all of the symptoms.
‘I want the pack examined,’ Jask said. ‘Every single one who took