again. “Nice job, Troy! I think it's my turn on top next time!”
Troy completely ignores them, his eyes burning into my face. It's like it’s just the two of us as his eyes bore into mine, and I feel myself swimming in their blue depths.
Dani is immediately at our side. “Are you okay?” She glances at Troy. “You can put her the rest of the way down now, Superman.”
I look down and see that I actually hadn't been put all the way down, and that Troy still held me an inch or two off the ground, his hands at my waist and his arms barely straining holding me up. I expect him to go off on Dani for ordering him around. After all, he has a reputation of being an asshole who doesn't like to be told what to do by anyone except Coach Jackson, but he respectfully puts me down, then steps back, watching, as if waiting for me to say something.
“I'm okay,” I declare in embarrassment, smoothing my shirt. I have to avoid looking at Troy, and turn instead to look at Dani. He's almost too handsome to take in, and his burning gaze keeps making my heart flip in my chest. Not only that, but he cuts an imposing figure, towering over me, his chiseled biceps on display in the sleeveless undershirt that the football team wears under their shoulder pads and for practices. He has an incredible physique, and I can see why he’s the most prized athlete in the city. Confidence and power radiates from him like a burning star, and he looks like he could hold up the entire pyramid himself across those massive shoulders of his.
“You scared the shit out of me,” Dani says to me. “I thought we were about to have a paraplegic on our hands.”
Well gee, Dani, that wouldn't have happened had you not forced me to take part, I think, but I say nothing. I know that sometimes Dani's mouth runs away from her head, and that she's just letting loose a bunch of stress and fright. If we'd been alone, she'd probably be crying right now, but she has to be Dani the Alpha Girl, and that means she has to play it off with a wisecrack or a harsh tone. We'll sort it out later.
“Then it's a good thing I came along when I did, huh?” asks Troy. His piercing blue eyes stay glued to my face, and I swear I'm going to melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. "Honestly, though, you girls should move the tryouts deeper into the grass. It's a lot softer than concrete."
“It sure is, but the concrete's more stable,” Dani says before I can reply. “What are you doing over here anyway? Aren't you guys supposed to be getting ready for practice?”
“No. Coach gave us just a tape session today, first day of school and all. In reality, I came over here to ask Whitney a question.” His eyes are still on me, and I’m floored. Me? He actually knows my name? I open my mouth to ask him what it is he wants, but I'm interrupted.
“Really?” Dani says, not letting me get a word in. She's in full-on protective mode now, the Alpha Female squaring off with SLHS's Alpha Male. “And what would that be?”
Dani trips me out. Troy just possibly saved my life and she’s interrogating him like he’s a criminal. It’s the main reason I know that Dani is really my friend. We look out for each other—I tutor her, and she buffers me in the social world. It's been that way for years now.
Troy doesn't seem bothered by Dani's bitchiness though, and he gives her an even look that actually shuts Dani down. “I wanted to know if she'll go out with me.”
I swear, I almost faint right then and there and Dani goes pale in the face. Troy Wood has just asked me out in front of the whole damn cheerleading squad. Is the whole world on drugs or something today, and I just didn't get the memo?
After momentary shock, the cheerleaders go into a frenzy of gossipy chatter, sounding like a flock of crows all cawing at each other. I know what they are thinking. How can Troy want to go out with me over one of them?
Troy stares at me, waiting for an answer, but I’m frozen like a Madame