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Betting Against the Odds
Book: Betting Against the Odds Read Online Free
Author: Sabrina Morgan
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Matt grabbed me tightly jerking me back towards him.
    “Whoa love are you okay?” he asked me gently well he held me.
    I tried to relax, “I’m sorry. I just got a little dizzy no big deal.” I tried to play it off the best I could but he didn’t look like he was buying it.
    He let me go but threw his arms over my shoulder well we walked into the store well we waited for Anna and Luke.
    They arrived kissing each other like there was no one around them. I cleared my throat as Matt laughed, “Come on we will split the list up.”
    I took the list out showing them the ingredients:
          Sesame Seeds
          Bottom bun
          Chum (Food)
          Pickles (Food)
          Tartar Sauce
          Secret sauce
          Top bun
    We split up grabbing all the ingredients and making our way back to my house. I led them to my kitchen as we placed all the ingredients on the counter.
    Anna looked over at me a smile on her face, “So we couldn’t actually find chum food and I don’t know Planktons number so we just got some chili,” she held up the bag waiting for approval.
    I grabbed them putting it next to the tomatoes, “Awesome. So that is all of it except for our secret sauce which I have here,” I threw down a bag of spread from McDonald’s Big Mac’s.
    Matt and Luke started laughing when Anna said, “Hey that’s a great idea and since we are making Krabby Patty’s I think we should get into the mood,” she held up a spongebob dvd and I couldn’t help but squeal in excitement.
    I put in the portable television set well we got ready to cut the condiments and the boys went in the back to grill up the burgers. I turned the television up singing along with the theme song, “He lives in a pineapple under the sea SPONGE BOB SQUAREPANTS…”
    Anna and I were singing at the top of our lungs laughing out loud when the boys cleared their throats. Luke spoke first, “Damn that is hot seeing you two dance around like that how about you try that in skimpy pajamas next time.”
    Matt shook his head agreeing his eyes burning into me making my skin prickle with heat. They put the hamburgers on the table well we each went to work making our Krabby Patty’s. The end result was: Matt was right they look like regular cheeseburgers. Damn we needed the Chum food.
    We all sat their eating Matt and Luke both ate three cheeseburgers each well I baffled at how people that fine looking could eat like pigs.
    I was about to grab another burger when my phone started ringing I was going to ignore it when the machine picked up.
    “Penelope its Mrs. Rose I was calling to check on you. Has your parents called you yet? Probably not don’t fret darling they are cold-hearted people,” I stood up rushing to the phone trying to cut it off her voice still going, “Oh before I forget darling how was the doctor’s appointment anything good did the MR-“ I unhooked the machine from the wall feeling my cheeks flush.
    I turned to look at my new friends; Anna and Luke both looked concerned but Matt look pissed. I cleared my throat, “Sorry about that I have been having headaches she always worries about me.”
    They all shook their heads slowly well I sat back down pulling out my list, “So we did this one next one is having a drink with celebrity, how are we going to do that?”
    Matt spoke, “I have an idea I will meet you guys here in next Saturday when I don’t work we will be crossing off the next two things on your list, Love.”
    I agreed trying not to feel so disappointed that I have to wait whole week to see him again.

Ch. 4: Have a Drink with
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