agents that had plucked me from my apartment walked over. They did not look happy to join my team. Two agents, I had not seen until now, joined the bunch. One was an older female who did not look happy. That left six agents in the room not on the mission, and of course, Nelson.
“As you all know, Sergeant Price is a prison system technician out of research and development, so for this part of the briefing I’ll turn the deck over to him.” Nelson waved at Roberts and the skinny guy next to her moved to the center of the room.
“Thanks, Agent Nelson.”
I noticed Nelson tense briefly when Price addressed him.
“First off, and don’t bother arguing this, but since we are going in as prisoners,” Price made little quotation marks in the air with his fingers, “you can’t bring your guns.”
“What? How the hell do we defend ourselves?” This came from the older female agent. Several others voiced the same concerns. I watched and studied my team.
“And you can’t bring your body armor.”
“This is stupid, it’s a prison planet. We have to be able to defend ourselves if we are to go after the President’s daughter,” one of the male agents argued.
“Relax, people, first hear the little guy out,” I ordered.
“We’re not on the planet yet, don’t tell me what to do,” the same agent told me.
“You were on the planet and under my command the minute you walked over to that group,” I replied. He and I stared a long minute at each other.
The agent reached toward his sidearm, but Roberts was faster. She stopped his right hand with her left, pulled her Taser sidearm and placed the weapon against the side of his throat.
He froze, as did everyone else in the room.
Roberts leaned close to his ear and whispered.
He looked sideways at her, then back to me and smiled.
Roberts released his arm and holstered her weapon.
“You were saying, Sergeant Price,” Nelson said to the group to get us all back on topic.
As Price started up again, I watched Roberts. She gave me an unreadable look, then turned her attention to Price.
“Yes, as you all know, no weapons or powered body armor are transported to the prison planets on a routine drop, and that is what this has to look like if we are to get in, find the girl, and get out.”
“One of the reasons Agent Danbeu is here, is to get your team equipped once you make dirt fall,” Nelson tells the group. “From all of our reports, prison planets have their own systems and rules, but they are all pretty much the same. Since Agent Danbeu has lived in one and knows our agency protocols that is the reason he is in charge. Go ahead, Price, tell them what they can have.”
Price walked over to a large storage locker, opened it and pulled out a rack of clothing. “You get this. You will find your names on the hangers with your clothes.” Price pulled one article of clothing off of the rack. It looked like heavy T-shirt material. “This is second skin armor, pretty new stuff, that has been proven very good when subjected to testing, and provides some level of protection.”
“Armor?” asked the older female agent.
“Yeah, it won’t take the kind of punishment your regular armor will. It won’t give you added physical strength that is not its purpose. It will stop most blunt weapon attacks from things like clubs, or stuff like that. Knives can’t cut it, on a sweeping strike, but will penetrate if the strike is a straight thrust with enough force. Small arms fire will be stopped if you are a great enough distance away. Close quarters it might help.” Price completed his dissertation.
“This should be fine to get us started. Prison planets pretty much work the way Agent Nelson said, from what I know. New prisoners come in with nothing, they hit the landing pad and are pretty much left alone to wander around, get in trouble, and learn not to get into anybody else’s business. That’s the way Lark is and I imagine Tirus ain’t a lot different. We