loudly in the night air. “Yep, I think I’ll call it Ambushed ,” she sassed right back. “A sexy little librarian and her outlaw cowboy hero. Has definite possibilities.” “I think we need to get on home and do some research then. Never let it be said I don’t support the arts.” ** **
Shara is the first one to admit she is a little off. Her favorite movies are Steel Magnolias and Apocalypse Now, with a little Godfather and Animal House thrown in for fun. When not planning to take over the world, or re-fighting the world’s greatest battles in her mind, she can usually be found having deep and meaningful conversations with her kids (11 & 8) about the meaning of life or trying to talk her husband into buying her weapons—just in case of Armageddon. www.sharaazod.com