they kill me? Who decides?
“What’s your name, doll?” The woman’s voice is gentle, but I still feel like panicking.
“Riley,” I tell her. “My name is Riley.”
“I’m Jenika,” she says. “I’m the ship manager. I’m not the captain. I don’t make major decisions about the course of the ship or anything like that, but I manage most of the crew. We’re going to be on board a long time, so it’s important that you understand one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t mess with anyone. Don’t cause trouble. Hal will tell you what to do and you need to do it. If Captain Drake gives you an order or if I do, you obey. Do not disobey.”
“What happens if I disobey?” My voice comes out as a tiny squeak, but I already know I don’t want to know the answer.
“For starters,” she steps closer, and I can smell her perfume. She’s so close to me that I could touch her, but I don’t move. “I’ll pull you over my knee and spank you until your bottom is bright red and you’re begging me to stop.”
A spanking?
She’s threatening to spank me?
The thought makes me blush. I don’t think my parents ever spanked me even as a child. The idea is terrifying to me, but the way Jenika says it is almost exciting. My body starts to feel warm and suddenly, my room feels very tiny.
I wish she would step away, but she doesn’t. She invades my space.
“And after my spanking?”
“If you’re still wild after that, darling, it’ll be Captain Drake’s turn, and he’s a lot harder on his toys than I am. Now be a good girl and stay in your room until Hal comes for you.”
Jenika turns and leaves the room. Her high-heeled boots sound sharply on the polished floor of the hall as she disappears, and I collapse on my bed.
I’m on top of the blankets, but I can’t help myself as I slide my fingers under my robe and between my legs. Something about the way Jenika talked about a spanking got me completely riled up. Heat shoots through my body as I think about the way she promised to turn my bottom red.
Will she pull me over her knee if I’m naughty? Will she glide her hands over my soft skin before striking it? I wonder if she’ll warm me up softly or start with hard, swift swats.
One finger slides inside my body as I picture her touching me. I might not be very experienced, but I have a very active imagination, and there is nothing hard about picturing Jenika touching me.
Four years is a long time to be without physical touch and part of me, a naughty part of me, hopes she’ll actually follow through on her promise to touch me.
It doesn’t take long for me to near orgasm. Soon I’m breathing hard and rubbing my clit quickly, legs splayed on the bed as I picture being bent over a desk and spanked by naughty Mistress Jenika. Just as I’m about to climax, just as I’m about to come, my door blasts open and Hal bursts in.
“No!” He says, grabbing my hand. He pulls it away for me and immediately, I let out a whine.
“What are you doing?” I cry. I was so close. I was so very close and he completely stole my orgasm away. Tears fill my eyes and I’m seriously about to start sobbing in front of Hal. I don’t even know this guy, but I was my damn climax. “Why would you do that?” I say.
“Shh,” he covers my mouth with his hand and kicks the door closed with his foot. “I’m only going to say this one, so listen very carefully. The people of Taneyemm are very different than people on Earth.” His voice is very quiet and I struggle to listen, but I have a feeling that this is very important. “They have certain…abilities. One of those abilities happens to be a very keen sense of smell, so unless you want to attract every damn member of the crew to your room, I suggest you keep your arousal to a minimum.”
I nod, and he releases my mouth. As soon as I’m free, I wipe the drool from my mouth and turn back to him.
“What do you mean, they can smell my arousal?”