struggling to repopulate and terraform what used to be Earth.”
“But you seem so cheerful. Or at least, adjusted.”
“Yeah. But remember, as a physician I have access to meds you don’t,” he said with a wink.
“Really?” Avalon raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, but I don’t really abuse them or anything. I just wanted to see you smile.”
She averted his tender gaze and then Ilium glanced at his watch. “It’s time to eat, if you are hungry?”
Avalon nodded, and the two strolled towards the cafeteria.
In the cafeteria, Avalon noticed that those who wore purple scrubs first in line, followed by those in brown scrubs, and last were those in grey scrubs.
Avalon looked confused. “Our scrub colors coordinate with our roles. Since you are a computer engineer, you wear brown which indicates that you are a member of the Fulcio. The Accipio class, which only consists of elected officials, wears purple. The janitors wear grey and are called Compatios,” Ilium explained.
Avalon furrowed her brow .
Despite the fact that the Accipios were outnumbered by the Fulcios and Compatios, they received priority.
“You have got to be kidding me!” Avalon hissed to Ilium.
“I know, it isn’t the fairest thing, but at least we aren’t the Compatios,” he replied. “The Fulcios and Compatios receive less food and fewer credits than the Accipios for the jobs they perform. Fewer credits means the Compatios and Fulcios receive mush, while the Accipios consume synthetic meat.”
Avalon bit her tongue in order not to say anything. As the new kid it was best to lay low. Still, this place was more like a prison than a habitat.
“The trick is remembering that we are better off than the billions of people who perished outside,” Ilium said.
The billions who perished. Like her Dad. Her Dad who should have been inside with her. Instead, Viggo was allowed to go.
“So what were you like before becoming a popsicle anyways?” Ilium asked.
“I liked to swim, bake, and travel,” she answered while grabbing a tray. “What about you?”
“I like to draw and paint. I was learning a little bit of krav maga too before entering here,” Ilium said grabbing a tray and some silverware from behind her.
“That’s impressive,” Avalon said.
“You’re just being nice,” Ilium said, looking at her with piercing sky blue eyes. Avalon’s pulse quickened as her cheeks felt hot.
Avalon and Ilium placed their trays on the stainless steel counter. Avalon advanced through the line first. After swiping her wrist across a scanner, a female voice announced, “Avalon Adams.” The computer calculated her exact calorie expenditure and prepared a plate with a green salad, a baked potato, and a fruit smoothie. Avalon placed the items on her tray and waited for Ilium. Ilium received two boiled eggs, a protein bar, and a smoothie from the machine.
“Don’t worry. All of our food is perfectly portioned out. You won’t feel satiated, but you won’t starve either. You just feel like you wouldn’t mind having a snack,” Ilium said.
“Thanks for telling me,” Avalon said.
Scanning the crowd before selecting a spot to sit, Avalon noted all of the Accipios sat together and all of the Fulcios and Compatios sat together. As she passed by the others, people murmured and whispered. Some followed her movements with their eyes.
But then she noticed people weren’t only murmuring about her, that some of the Accipios were also sneering at Ilium.
One of her trio of computer teammates waved for Ilium and Avalon to sit by them. Avalon and Ilium accepted the proffered seats on the long bench seats, their trays making a small clink noise as they sat them down on the table.
Avalon leaned towards Ilium. “I know they are staring at me because I am the new kid. But they were also sneering at you. Is everything ok?”
Ilium grimaced before answering, “Yeah. Nothing you need to know about.”
Nothing I need to know about . I need to know