kids who aren’t perfect. You missed one. I may never recover from the disappointment.”
“Spaghetti with garlic bread.”
She opened her eyes wide. “Excuse me? Young men who miss one question on their math tests do not get to demand things like spaghetti with garlic bread for dinner.”
“It was an A, Mom. You know missing one is still an A.”
“Are you kidding? An A? What is this world coming to? I’m appalled. And you know how I get when I’m appalled.”
She reached for him. He ducked away, but the crutches hindered him. Kerri dove in and began tickling him. She was careful to stay away from his ribs. Like all his bones, they were fragile.
He giggled and squirmed, then relaxed in her arms.
“I’ll make spaghetti,” she murmured into his hair. “Then we’ll tackle the spelling words. You’ll wait for me at Brandon’s?”
“Good. Try to keep Tiger out of that tree, okay? I’m on a Wonder Mom break for the next couple of days.”
Cody looked up at her. “I will, Mom. See you later.”
She was supposed to let him go and she would…in a second. But staring into his eyes like that, she was reminded of Cody’s father. Cody was so much like her late husband. It was a unique combination of pleasure and heartbreaking pain.
“Be good,” she said.
He nodded and left the salon.
“D ON’T BE STUPID ,” Jason Hardy said. “I’m telling you this based on my personal experience as your lawyer. You pay me three hundred dollars an hour for that experience, Nathan. So listen.”
“I’m listening.”
“No, you’re not. If you were still listening, you’d be back in the city. Instead you’re driving up I90 by yourself. I don’t want you confronting that woman alone.”
“That woman” was one Kerri Sullivan. A single mom and hairdresser. Nearly every detail of her insignificant life was listed in the folder next to him on the passenger seat of his Mercedes.
She’d been an average student in high school, a cheerleader. Her parents had been killed when she’d been fairly young and she’d been raised by her maternal grandmother. She’d gone to community college, but had dropped out after less than a year to go to beauty school. She’d met and married Brian Sullivan. Brian had been in the army and died when his truck had overturned. Eight and a half months later, she’d given birth to her only child.
Cody Sullivan, age nine. His Gilliar’s Disease had been diagnosed when he’d been five. He’d lived longer than most and was only now entering the truly degenerative stage.
In the past four years Kerri had lived in Texas and Minnesota. She supported them by working in beauty salons. Her location choices weren’t random.She moved to where the research was being done. She’d run out of options, until she discovered Dr. Abram Wallace’s work in Songwood. She’d moved there three months ago.
“I won’t let her blackmail me,” he told Jason. The built-in speakerphone in his car picked up his low voice.
“So what are you going to do? Threaten her? That’s my job, and let me say, for the record, I resent you trying to take the fun out of it.” Jason sighed. “I mean it, Nathan. You’re going to get angry and say some things you shouldn’t.”
“She thinks she’s trapped me. She thinks I can’t back out because I’ll look bad. Who the hell does she think she is?”
“A desperate mom?” Jason asked. “You have nothing to say to her.”
“I’m going to make her stop. No one holds me hostage.”
“You’re going to make the situation worse. You have a very competent staff. We want to do our job. Let us deal with her. You don’t need any more negative publicity.”
“I want her ass in jail,” Nathan muttered.
“Not going to happen. Let’s imagine that headline. She’s got the sympathy factor. I don’t like what she’s doing, either, but let’s be logical.”
Logic? Nathan wasn’t interested. Whether it was a well thought-out plan or just