lives just now. She was just grateful it was a fairly small flight, if one could be grateful for that. She started piling up things to take back. Maybe something would belong to the mystery man.
After a time of rustling through things Sonya thought she heard a faint whimper. She stood still, straining to hear. There it was again. It was coming from further back. Climbing over the debris towards the area where they kept the food & drinks, Sonya found a compartment off the side that went down into the cargo hold. She fell & tripped over some luggage & came upon a few crates. Then she saw a large wooden crate that had been knocked onto its side. There was a black nose! Sonya crawled over to the animal.
"Hi, there, pup." The dog lifted its head & his tail thumped. Reaching out her hand Sonya touched his nose & the dog licked her. She looked around for something to pry the end open & found a long metal strip hanging off of the wall. Pulling it off she placed the end in between where the wood pieces met & pulled. Her hand slipped & she fell back, landing on her butt among the luggage. Getting up she tried again. This time an inch pulled out.
"Okay, look out, pup." Sonya pulled & the nails squealed as they pulled out of the wood. Doing the same on the other side, it finally was open. The dog whimpered & thumped its tail, but didn't come out. "What's wrong, pup? Are you hurt?" It didn't seem to be the front legs, so Sonya moved her hand carefully down his back. As she touched the dog's thigh it let out a cry. "Oh, I am sorry. I have to pull you out to see your leg." The dog looked up at her with unusual bright, blue eyes. Sonya took hold of its upper half & slowly pulled. It must have hurt, but the dog just lay there patiently. "Now, let me see what we have. Well, there isn't any blood, but there is a definite problem."
Sonya slid bags out of the way to make a path. When she lifted the dog & slowly stood, he licked her arm. "Don't thank me yet, boy, we still have to get you out & fix that leg." The dog licked her in the face & she laughed.
As they made it topside she looked for the easiest route, not wanting to hurt the dog more. There were some slips & bumps, but the dog didn't even make a sound. She wondered when he last ate or drank. As they stepped out on the wing, they both took a deep breath.
"Here, lass" came a deep voice. Duncan was standing there off to the side of the wing. Shiver ran all down her. Looking down at him could keep her entranced. Duncan suddenly grinned & she realized what an idiot she must look like staring down at him.
"Hand him down, lass." Kneeling down she handed him the dog. Duncan lay him down & looked him over. "A leg out of the joint."
Sonya turned back to grab a red bag & jumped down. Kneeling next to the dog, he wagged his tail. "We are going to fix you up."
Duncan looked amused. As Sonya took hold of the dogs head, Duncan took hold of the leg. He made a quick movement, the dog yelped, & Sonya moved in with the gauze & tape. She looked up at Duncan. "Thank you."
Sonya smiled & Duncan thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen before. He picked up the dog.
"May I keep him in my room?"
"Aye, lass, but he is a she ."
"Oh! Well," she shrugged, "either way!" She grabbed a few things she had tossed outside & they began walking up to the castle. Sonya wondered if Duncan could see how she was feeling inside. Did it show on the outside? Could he tell how much she hoped that lovely young woman wasn't his wife? Boy how she hoped! She stole a sideways glance at him. He didn't even have to flex for his muscles to bulge. Oh, my! There was that tingle again & she was pretty sure it shouldn't be where it was! She saw Duncan grin & quickly looked away.
When Duncan saw Sonya looking at him he wondered if the lass fancied him or if she was just curious. He was curious about her, but it wasn't just about her mind that he was curious, and that was taking up a lot of his thoughts at