and wait for them to
finish their shifts. While the level of protection had been downgraded, Nikki was
still under guard.
As she slowly pulled out onto the
street, her tail made itself known. The black SUV maintained its distance,
leaving one car between themselves and her. Each day was the same, and each day
Nikki found herself snickering to herself. It wasn’t as if she was clueless to
their presence. Yet still they attempted to remain invisible to her.
As she neared her house, she
noticed a beast of a motorbike in her driveway. Then she saw him. There in all
his glory stood Viper, looking like every woman’s wet dream. She watched as he
looked toward the street. With a nod to the black SUV, his attention was
immediately turned back toward her. So caught up in her confusion at this man’s
presence at her house, Nikki almost missed her tail car driving off down the
His presence had her pussy
responding. Fluid soaked her underwear. With every pulse of her inner walls,
her ire grew. She didn’t like the way her body reacted to the sight of this
man. She had sworn never to allow a man any power over her body again, and yet
here she was becoming hornier by the second as if the past hadn’t happened. It
did happen, and she had the scars to prove it.
Getting out of her car, she
fought the call of this gorgeous, tattooed man. His multicolored skin attempted
to hypnotize her, beckoning her to his side. Instead her feet remained planted
on the driveway, refusing to carry her anywhere near him. With her hands on her
hips, she demanded, “What are you doing here, Tatts?”
Viper would have laughed at
Nikki’s use of that name. He suspected she was using it to piss him off. He
knew he hadn’t reacted well to her noticing his skin markings. His only excuse
was that his head was stuck too far up his ass for him to appreciate the gift
he had been given. Now that he had come to his senses, he liked the idea of her
noticing anything about him. If he had his way, the name Tatts would be her
name for him, and her name alone. He would accept it from no one else.
Lifting the bag he was holding,
he responded to her question. “I brought you dinner, compliments of Gabby.”
Instantly her anger was
forgotten. She walked toward him, offering him a beaming smile. Her whole face
lit up, giving her a more youthful appearance. Her eyes shone with excitement.
With the sun setting behind her, he quickly realized the error in his original
assessment of her hair coloring. Brunette just didn’t seem adequate. The
falling sun behind her highlighted the gold streaks that infiltrated the brown.
Viper was once again in awe of
how beautiful she truly was. She had been on his mind since he’d left her on
her doorstep just over a week ago. Though not always in the light she deserved.
Even after his talk with his brothers, when he was alone, his mind still fought
the inevitable. It had taken another two trips down to the nightclub for his
whole being to accept that Nikki was it for him. No other woman would do.
Of course his nightly ventures
hadn’t gone unnoticed. Judge had taken some convincing to hand over the file on
Nikki’s attack. True to his words, it wasn’t a pretty read. So much so Viper
had spent the last two days confined to the private rooftop pool area, being
forced to contain and control his rage.
Judge insisted on handing it over
up there, in the presence of Devil and Chaos. Before finishing the first page,
Viper had come to understand his brothers’ actions. They were hovering over
him, waiting. They didn’t have long to wait. As he continued to read, both
Judge and Devil held him down with a hand on his shoulders, while Chaos had
enclosed them all within a magical bubble, trapping his rage.
A fae’s magic, while still coming from Mother Earth, revolved solely around emotions.
The more Viper felt, the stronger his magic became. His rage, according to
Chaos, was so strong that it would have demolished the