A Baby for the Flying Doctor Read Online Free Page A

A Baby for the Flying Doctor
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when Gil visually caressed her lips. Her heart started pounding wildly in her chest, not from fright or uncertainty but from pure attraction—such as she’d never felt before.
    Her lips parted to allow the pent-up air to escape. On a personal level, she knew next to nothing about this man and he knew next to nothing about her, yet there seemed to be something new, something exciting brewing between them…and it wasn’t the dishwater-tasting tea.
    ‘Euphemia.’ Her name was a caress on his lips and for one heart-stopping second she thought he might continue his journey towards her and actually kiss her. She closed her eyes, trying to control her thoughts, her breathing, but all she could think about was how, at this second in time, she wanted to be free, to let go, to break all the rules and regulations she’d previously set down for her life.
    She wanted him to kiss her. Wanted to know what it would be like. Wanted to feel the touch of his mouth against hers. It was ludicrous. It was impossible. It was what she wanted.
    The next thing she knew, there was a loud screeching noise and she was thrown to the floor, landing hard with a heavy thud. She could feel firm hands on her upper arms and then she was somehow hauled against firm male chest as they started to slide along the floor of the carriage.
    The train was stopping—and it was stopping at a rapid rate.

    P EOPLE were screaming, yelling. The scent of panic was in the air. A baby cried. The screeching noise continued. As the train came to a halt, all Phemie was conscious of was Gil and the way he’d automatically protected her, his body taking the brunt of the impact as they slid into the bolted-down lounge chairs opposite to where they’d previously been sitting.
    When they finally stopped, it took a second for rational thought to return.
    ‘Are you all right?’ His voice was soft near her ear but full of concern.
    ‘Hmm?’ She opened her eyes, looking into those gorgeous brown depths which had hypnotised her earlier. She was lying in his arms, their bodies so close together she was positive he could hear her heart pounding wildly against her chest. The main question was whether it was pounding so badly due to the surprise of the train stopping or because she was in his arms?
    ‘Euphemia!’ His voice became louder and she saw the worried look in his eyes.
    ‘Are you hurt? Bruised? Can you stand?’ As he spoke, he felt her head and down her arms. How could she—a trained medical professional—be more concerned with her reaction to this perfect stranger than the train accident? What was wrong with her?
    ‘I’m fine.’ And she wasn’t sure she liked him touching her, simply because it caused a mass of tingles to flood her entire body and explode like fireworks. She shifted but it appeared he wasn’t ready to move away just yet. ‘I’m fine,’ she reiterated. ‘I’m OK. You? You hit that lounge pretty hard.’
    Phemie touched his shoulder but on feeling the firm muscle realised her touch was anything but medical. Bad. It was bad. He was Professor Gilbert Fitzwilliam ! She wasn’t supposed to have an instant attraction to this man. He was a medical genius. He was a research phenomenon and he lived on the other side of the world. Apart from that, Phemie was most certainly not looking for any sort of romantic relationship. Not now. Not ever.
    ‘I’ll live.’ Gil carefully stood, holding out a hand to help Phemie up. The sooner he put some distance between them the better. Having that gorgeous, petite body of hers pressed hard against his was something he hadn’t expected to experience but now he had, he couldn’t help his mounting intrigue for this woman.
    Once she was on her feet, he let her go. Distance. He needed distance from her. He was so intent on moving away he almost stood on his Thermos, which had rolled to the floor. He quickly picked it up and placed it on a chair. ‘Someone’s pulled the emergency stop
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