battle? I want no part of this I tell you,” said Michael, nervously.
“Look I already explained that to you. Both of you are why I am here. Now please allow me to do my job,” said Angelica. With that Michael rose from the sofa to stare out the window. Then he shoved his hands into his pockets and began pacing back and forth across the floor of the rather small room. “Would you please sit down? You are beginning to make me nervous.”
“Good . Now you know how we feel,” said Michael, taking a seat on the sofa. Soon the professor joined them.
“Is there room for me?” he asked, nudging Michael toward the center. He moved closer toward Angelica, but reluctantly.
“You guys are pathetic. A few hours ago you were ready to toss a coin to see which one could have me. Now you are avoiding me like a plague,” said Angelica.
“That is because you are a plague, and we are now in trouble because of it,” said Michael. “Just what are you anyway?”
“That doesn’t matter. But, now that we have the sexual tension out of the way, we can get down to business,” said Angelica.
“Sexual tension? Are you serious?” asked Michael, seeming to be perturbed.
“Michael, remember what I said about lying.”
“Okay, but that was before I knew who you were. Now that is the last thing on my mind,” said Michael.
“You have no idea who I am as you have already admitted. But, I am glad you have those feeling under control because it can never happen anyway,” said Angelica.
“Why not? You said we were handsome , and you are somewhat attractive. So why wouldn’t it work?” asked Michael, seeming to backtrack.
“It won’t work because it is not allowed . Am I right, Angelica?” asked Dr. Blanchard. A nod answered his question.
“So you know about her? Are you both tryin g to railroad me into something weird here?”
“No , Michael, I am just as innocent as you are. Let’s listen to Angelica and try this her way. If it works out, then afterwards we can go on with our lives,” said Dr. Blanchard.
“That’s easy for you to say. What if it doesn’t work out ? Then what?” asked Michael.
“Believe me when I tell you this . You won’t be any worse off than you were before I came,” said Angelica.
“So you say . Why should we believe you?” asked Michael. The stare that follow made him feel uncomfortable. In fact, there was a strange feeling shooting throughout his very soul, but what was he to do about it? “Okay, we will do this your way. But you had better not get us killed. My friends won’t like that at all.”
“Are you sure about that , Michael?” asked Angelica in a serious tone.
When the professor began laughing, the young man realized she was only toying with him. “Well at least she has a sense of humor,” insisted the professor.
“I noticed that, but why has she not turned it on you?” asked Michael.
“I will answer that for the professor. He is keen to what I am trying to do here, and he listens to me. You, on the other hand, are naive and impetuous. Those qualities are dangerous in my line of work. So I figure if I can take you down a notch or two, maybe you will realize that you don’t know nearly as much as you pretend.”
“If you feel that way, why would you even need me? Take me to my apartment , and you guys can be about your business,” said Michael.
“There ’s the door,” said Angelica, nodding toward the entrance. “Nobody is stopping you from leaving.”
Remembering the eerie feeling when he attempted to leave earlier, Michael decided to forego the offer. “Awe, heck. You guys need me. I could never forgive myself if I let anything happen to either of you.” His companions laughed and finally Michael joined them. However, the merriment was suddenly interrupted by a frightening sound that resembled that of a screaming mountain lion. “What in the heck was