doctor injected a sample of the antidote he made from her blood into one of the zombies in the cage. It stared at them for a few seconds and then tried to bite the doctor. They stood back as it slammed itself repeatedly into the cage. Its eyes rolled back into its head and then it collapsed. Its heavy breathing slowed to a calm pace. A few minutes later it stopped breathing and died.
“That’s encouraging,” the doctor said with a smile. “We will never be able to return them to being human, but we now have a way of killing them for good. If we can make this airborne, we may one day be able to leave the compound and live anywhere we like.”
“The world will turn to normal,” Militia said, walking over to them. “I’m not sure how I would be able to readapt to times like that. We’ve been living in chaos for so long.”
“We had to change to adapt to the zombie era, so we can revert back to the pre zombie era,” the doctor said.
“Are you sure everybody is ready for that?” She asked.
“That all depends on the individual person,” the doctor answered.
“Gregory would never allow that. He wants to rule,” Militia said.
“That is why I will never let him possess the cure,” Devlin said from behind them. He pointed his laser rifle at her.
“Who are you?” Militia asked.
“My name’s Devlin.”
“The Zombie Hunter. I’ve heard the legend about you,” Militia said. “In another situation, it would have been an honor to meet you. You’re here for the girl?”
“Yes. She and the doctor are coming with me.”
From behind, Krevin hit him in the back of the head with the back of his rifle. He fell to the ground.
“Not much of a hero,” Krevin said.
“Take him to Gregory. I know he will want to meet him,” Militia said.
Devlin’s eyes slowly opened. Standing before him was Gregory Salazar. He had his gun pointed at his head.
“The infamous Devlin, the Zombie Hunter. The stories of your heroics are talked about throughout the Dregs. You are a legend among my people and yours as well. Do you realize how my people will turn on me if they knew I killed you?”
“Then I suggest you avoid doing that,” Devlin said with a smile.
“Very amusing Zombie Hunter. Oh I won’t kill you,” he said and placed his gun on his desk. “Krevin over here will have the honor of doing that. Soon I will have complete control of all the Dregs chapters. I will possess an army big enough to successfully attack the compound in D.C. I have the cure and everybody will bow down at my feet for it. I will not only be their savior, I will be their God.”
“That won’t last very long. Even the Gods of Rome fell eventually.”
“Devlin, you are a smart man. Even a smart man can’t survive a bullet to the head. Krevin if you will.”
Before Krevin could pull the trigger, Militia kicked him hard in the side of the head, knocking him to the ground. Gregory quickly grabbed his gun, but was shot in the chest by Militia.
“You traitor!” Gregory said as he collapsed.
Devlin looked at her in shock.
“If the girl’s blood is the end to all of this madness, then I’m on your side. I will help you bring her back to D.C. Follow me,” Militia said.
“Glad you’re on my side,” he said, looking at the two guys lying on the ground.
The doctor filled his briefcase with as much of his files as he could. Haley filled a bag with as much medical supplies as she could. Devlin and Militia walked into the building.
“You’re alive!” Haley said excitedly.
“We need to get out of here and fast,” Devlin said.
“I have everything of importance here,” the doctor said, holding up his briefcase.
“There is a jeep parked out front. Get to it. I will take out the guards,” Militia said and ran out of the building.
“This way,” Devlin said.
They heard gunfire and a loud thud as Militia killed the two guards on the guard