Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Read Online Free Page A

Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem
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Reed returned, twisting her key and pushing her door open, she went inside of her dorm room. Closing the door behind her, she placed her back against it and slid down. Already, she missed RaKeem.

    “Perfect!” KinZu smiled at her reflection. She looked amazing. Her unique heritage shining through her features. Her melanin infused skin, long slender legs, bright brown eyes, and plush lips were on full display in the backless top, pencil skirt, and a pair of Reed’s designer pumps. She looked amazing.
    With exams and basketball season in, KinZu had barely seen much of her man, unless it was on the court or for a few minutes between classes. As understanding as she tried to be, she couldn’t help but to want some alone time with him. Besides, he was able to make every party that was held near campus.
    After constant complaints, he’d promised her a date. KinZu was overly excited about the personal time, and couldn’t wait to be in his presence. For over two years, they’d been dating. With time, it seemed as they drifted further apart, but KinZu neglected to admit the facts. Like the naïve girl she was, she overlooked the signs of pre-separation. She figured it was all a phase, and soon they’d be back to their old ways.
    “Good timing Kin.” She complimented herself. She was actually prepared and ready to rock and roll before the designated time. In just twenty short minutes, she’d be in the arms of her knight in shining armor.
    KinZu figured that she’d take the time to clean the mess that she’d made. Little by little, she replaced the empty dresser drawers with the clothes that she’d taken from them. KinZu wasn’t as fortunate as Reed, and she was tremendously thankful for being roomed with the sweet soul. Whatever Reed owned, KinZu had rights to it. Reed was forever looking out for her. They’d met freshman year. While Reed was two years younger than KinZu, she was the more mature one. Life had caused her to mature much sooner than her time, but it was much needed.
    When it was time to show and prove, KinZu always dug through Reed’s drawers. Sure to switch up her outfits and never wear one just as Reed had, people were clueless to the fact that KinZu was borrowing. She preferred it that way. It was no one’s business.
    “I’ll have to try this next time,” KinZu eyed a silk shirt and GUESS denim. Had she spotted them the first go round, they would’ve been her choice. However, she had no time to change, now.
    Just in the nick of time, KinZu had cleaned the crammed dorm room. It looked just as clean as it had before she began pulling things from everywhere. Tired, she flopped down on the bed and grabbed her phone, checking to see if Jonathan had texted.
    Humping her shoulders, she laid back and dialed his number. Expecting an answer, KinZu grew worried when she didn’t get one. Hanging up, she called back, and got the same results. Sighing, she figured he was still getting dressed.
    “He’ll call back.” She tossed her phone to the side. Lifting up, she fingered her wild hair.
    Looking around the room, she wondered what she could do to busy herself. The growling of her stomach prompted her to run her eyes across her snack stash. It had definitely dwindled. When she was on her way back to campus, she would remind Jonathan to get her more. She was low on funds, and wouldn’t dare waste them on snacks. That was one bill that she preferred someone else to pay.
    Standing to her feet, KinZu followed her eyes. Picking through her small batch of groceries, she found the very last pack of noodles, and decided to heat them up. Surely, Jonathan would be hitting her line soon, so she didn’t want to put anything too heavy on her stomach. They would be dining somewhere.
    Fifteen minutes after she’d scarfed down her noodles, KinZu’s phone still hadn’t rang. Grabbing it from the bed, she dialed Jonathan up again. She got the very same results as the first two times.
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