in order for us to succeed. madden (MAD-den) VERB: To make angry; enrage. maelstrom (MAYL-strum) NOUN: A violent, confused situation that often results in destruction. malcontent (MAL-kuhn-tent) NOUN: One who is not content with the current status of his or her life; can also be used as an adjective to describe someone who is dissatisfied. maleficence (muh-LEF-ih-sence) NOUN: The act of doing harm or creating evil. Your MALFEASANCE has not gone unnoticed; you will be punished accordingly when your father gets home. malevolent (muh-LEV-uh-lent) ADJECTIVE: Characterized by a desire to do harm to others; malicious. malfeasance (mal-FEE-zunce) NOUN: Behavior that is marked by illegality or wrongdoing; misconduct. malice (MAL-iss) NOUN: The intention or desire to do harm to others; spite. malicious (muh-LISH-uss) ADJECTIVE: Spitefully mean; evil; bad in intent. malign (muh-LYN) VERB: To sully the reputation of a person or thing, particularly by claiming information that is not true. malignant (muh-LIG-nunt) ADJECTIVE: Liable to cause harm; hateful. Come not between the dragon and his wrath. —W ILLIAM S HAKESPEARE mar (mar) VERB: To damage or spoil something; blight. matricide (MAT-ruh-side) NOUN: The act of killing one’s mother. melee (MAY-lay) NOUN: A noisy confrontation between several people, most often in a public place; skirmish. miasma (my-AS-muh) NOUN: A toxic atmosphere. I am tired of living in this MIASMA day after day; I think it is making me sick. miff (mif) VERB: To irritate or anger somebody. minatory (MIN-uh-tohr-ee) ADJECTIVE: Menacing or ominous. misanthrope (MISS-un-throhp) NOUN: A person who hates all humankind. miscreant (MISS-cree-uhnt) NOUN: A villain or evildoer. He showed us what a true MISCREANT he was when he cut the orphans’ portions in half to save money. misery (MIZ-uh-ree) NOUN: Extreme suffering or unhappiness; gloom. mortify (MOHR-tih-fy) VERB: To humiliate or shame a person; embarrass.
N nefarious (nih-FAYR-ee-uss) ADJECTIVE: Extremely evil; despicable. It was unbelievably NEFARIOUS for her to drown the crying infant. nemesis (NEM-ih-sis) NOUN: An enemy or opponent who seeks to exact revenge. nettle (NET-l) VERB: To annoy or irritate; exasperate. nocuous (NOK-yoo-uhs) ADJECTIVE: Liable to cause harm or injury; noxious. noisome (NOI-suhm) ADJECTIVE: Offensive to the senses; harmful. notoriety (noh-tuh-RY-uh-tee) NOUN: Infamy or ill repute; disrepute. There is little for the great part of the history of the world except the bitter tears of pity and the hot tears of wrath. —W OODROW W ILSON noxious (NOK-shuss) ADJECTIVE: Toxic or poisonous; harmful. nuisance (NOO-suhns) NOUN: An annoying person or thing; pest.
O obdurate (AHB-dur-uht) ADJECTIVE: Extremely stubborn or obstinate. He wrapped his ankles around the chair and refused to leave, a display of his OBDURATE ways. objectionable (uhb-JEK-shun-uh-buhl) ADJECTIVE: Something that causes offense or opposition; disagreeable. objurgate (OB-jur-gayt) VERB: To strongly berate or reprimand; renounce. obloquy (OB-luh-kwee) NOUN: Abusive statements made against someone; denunciation. obstinate (OB-stih-nut) ADJECTIVE: Unwilling to change an opinion or be swayed; stubborn. Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. —C ONFUCIUS obstreperous (ob-STREP-er-us) ADJECTIVE: Extremely aggressive or hostile; defiant. When any of the patients became OBSTREPEROUS, it was necessary for an orderly to restrain them and inject them with a tranquilizer. odium (OH-dee-uhm) NOUN: Intense hatred or revulsion; abhorrence. offend (uh-FEND) VERB: To insult someone or hurt his or her feelings. ogre (OH-gur) NOUN: In a fairytale, an ogre is a man-eating monster; the term can also refer to a particularly unpleasant or wicked person. ominous (OM-ih-nuss) ADJECTIVE: Suggesting possible harm or threat; foreboding. opprobrium (uh-PRO-bree-um) NOUN: The disgrace that results