is an Idea.
Swelling inside on the saltnessness of air, Air, in
side him for the youth it is, it was
in your black sea, raging.
Inexplicable magnets (to human eyes)
Draw out the
Steel. The bullhead
trout. It draws it, across
country, from your
feeble sinking heart. The
heart sinks, heads
for the stuttering plug
& it’s a rare catch!
It’s an Ideal which is an idea
like eating your best friend. Chatter-
ton ate himself in one brief rubidium glow
& the birds lay down and laughed
as the Great Sky Magnet
Homage to John Everett, Marine Painter, 1876–1949
i walk to the annexe
to dust the marine paintings
of john everett
who is out of fashion
but whose work
i like better than anything else
in the museum
the sky is a dome
of madder and brass
and it is windy and cold
a letter arrives
it is very happy
but the last line is sad
and there is a p.s.
apologising for it
at tea time
the street-lights come on
with an extra-terrestrial glow
it is still cold
and as i ride my motor-bike home
the wind makes my eyes water
in many of everett’s pictures
the forefront of the canvas
is filled with the overwhelming prows
of cutters
as if the onlooker
were a man shipwrecked
clinging to flotsam
or just drowning
the park is dotted with people
three men from the park’s department
are cutting down an oak
planted by charles the first’s gardener
a party of mongol children
on a charabanc trip
are playing with an orange ball
of the only two portraits
of everett
the first noticeable contrast
is that in the self-portrait
he is in a bright blue smock
with corn-coloured hair
a clay-pipe
and a ragged straw hat
whereas in the painting
by his friend and contemporary
he is depicted as a rather
sinister character
with a lean face
dark brown hair
and pointed beard
with a top hat
and black opera cloak
hunched in a deep armchair
surrounded by shadows
but all of his paintings
are bright
with large areas of stark white sail
bleached by tropical sunlight
and deep red shadows
along the mast hatches and deck
and the sea
painted either very flat
or in seductive blue swells
almost like smoke
the rough tasmanian straits
the limpid bay at montevideo
or just cowes week
with a cluster of startling parasols
many painted directly onto sailcloth
sixteen voyages
over forty years
seventeen hundred oils
the only painter
to watch and portray
the last years of the sailing ship
and it is the seventeenth century dutch
who hang
for Elaine
Flame Ode
(for Elaine)
Two hawks and a plover swoop
above as we run the
Listen. The mountain spring is music
(Clear swell
breath in
We cluster in
the busy grass &
talk. Rise
up & live!
It is really distinct.
Wing Ode
The feet are white boats. Hands are
unlocked keys of colour & shape. Love
me. Feel me beside you
and within.
in April rain
I break my chrysalis
& Rise!
Walk as a golden man.
New Ode
Indigo robe her arm is wrapped within. Amber
the hair and eyes of this woman. See
them. There, the seal. Is
broken, open.
Shafts of gold in the pale afternoon.
Moon goes like
a woman
through time
Chatterton Ode
Time is a jagged mark upon the wrist. See
the child does not weep. Or
has any leaf upon his flaming
He holds
what blood there is in
side an acorne-coppe.
Spiky yellow buds
his making fingers.
Jim Morrison Ode
Peristalsis writhes a sudden knot &
hangs himself. His micro-
lunch burns.
The lamb in his horned
Calipers moves
afraid. He
cannot find. O riff
of my pulse’s purple disk!
Sheen & gloss.
in heaven too
Do writhe.
Swedenborg Ode
Influx of new crass mourning. Shrouds
draw off the velvet caress a hand
within yr breast.
Is this a Thought-Robe? (See
her gem of mind is a macrocosm.)