Pretty Woman in which Julia Roberts is made to feel inferior by tiny, trendy saleswomen in upscale boutiques. The only difference being that she wasn’t turned away because Jaime was famous, and his credit card had no limit. However, that didn’t mean the ladies—and she used that term very loosely—didn’t look at her as if she were something they’d stepped in.
“Everything from the bottom up, shoes, underthings, business attire for Miami and for up north, casual, at least three cocktail dresses, and swimsuits,” he ticked off to the small band of women who were completely ignoring her.
“No swimsuits.” She shouted over the din of chatter as the women sized her up and started off in different directions.
“This is Miami, Miss Pendleton, water is everywhere. What do you plan to swim in if you have no suit? Of course, there is only one acceptable answer to that question.” He wiggled his eyebrows, a knowing smirk on his lips.
“Nothing,” she said and immediately wished she hadn’t walked headfirst into that trap. “I mean, swimsuits aren’t necessary. I don’t swim.”
“I’ve seen you swim, Cass.” Confusion looked nice on him.
“I didn’t say I can’t swim, I said I don’t swim. I’m allergic to chlorine, severely allergic to chlorine to the point of hospitalization.”
“Oh. Ooh . Okay, that explains that,” he said cryptically. “Cass, the pool at the house is a saltwater pool. I had it converted when I bought the house. It’s perfectly safe and much cheaper to maintain too.”
“I wouldn’t have taken you for someone who cared about low maintenance costs. Especially after this little trip.” The shoes the ladies were dragging in were sure to run in the thousands-of-dollars range. “And why do I need all of these clothes, when I’m going to be your little office helper? Where am I going to wear sequins and rhinestones to anyway?”
“Well, after this afternoon, I’ve decided that I’m promoting you to more than just a personal assistant. I’m promoting you to bodyguard and constant companion as well as my secretary.”
“So let me get this straight. I’m to be Pepper Potts to your Tony Stark, then? Are you out of your mind? No, don’t answer that.”
“Did I mention I was adding another twenty grand a year to your salary?”
“Jaime…” She heard the whine escape her mouth. He was infuriating, argumentative, nauseating, and now somehow he’d added controlling to his lists of faults. And she let him do it.
“Then it’s agreed.” His massive chest heaved as if he’d been holding his breath. “Miss Pendleton gets the best. I want her to look like the class act she is, and sexy. I can’t have my new personal assistant looking anything but ravishing.” He snapped his fingers and two of the women swooned on the spot.
“Damn it, Jaime, why are you acting like this?” Frustrated beyond belief, Cass finally snapped. She dug in the heel of her serviceable black pumps and refused to look at any of the clothes that were being shoved in front of her.
“Acting like what? And that’s Mr. Dalton to you.” He narrowed his eyes to almost a squint, the golden orbs seeming to glow with some inner fire as he fried her to the spot. His face turned hard, intimidating—almost cruel. But she’d seen it before. He’d worn that very same expression the first time they’d met. He’d just pulled her hair and tried to blame it on her.
“I’m sure that face scares the hell out of your opponents—but, Jaime Dalton, I am immune. Now stop acting like a controlling dick. I’m not taking on any responsibilities until I see a contract, and I’m not trying on anything that I don’t pick out myself. If you want me to work for you, stop treating me like a child or put me on a plane home.” She placed her hands on her hips and stared down the one sales girl who gasped and looked at her as if she were committing some sort of criminal offense. “Oh get over it. He’s just an