himself. Her need to explore this pull between the two of them was driving her crazy.
Sierra couldn’t help but think about one of the Skype calls that occurred right before Evan arrived home. It had been after ten o’clock at night, and Dusty had been asleep for at least two hours when the familiar sound echoed on the computer in the living room. It had been a particularly long day, not because anything bad had happened, but Evan had not been able to contact them for a few weeks and Dusty had become anxious. When the Skype call had come through, Sierra found herself running to the computer so the call was not missed. It had been so good to talk with him. Of course, he asked about Dusty, but the majority of the conversation focused on them, their likes and dislikes, the worries a mother went through and the concerns of a major leading troops.
The worry and stress of not knowing whether or not Evan was okay for all those weeks just faded away as they spent hours talking and laughing with each other. Conversations like that, she knew, were the building blocks of their friendship and how she had come to care so much for him over these months. After all that had gone before, he was no longer just a friend for her son. As a woman, she wanted more from him. Now all she had to do was figure out how to grab hold of him and never let go.
This had to be handled the right way, because Dusty would be hurt beyond measure if something happened and Evan was no longer around. Yes, her desire and need for this man was strong, but her son was the most important thing to her. If that meant stepping back and foregoing her own needs and desires, then so be it. Dusty was her whole life and she wanted—no, needed—a man who would understand that. While everything in her prayed that Evan was that man, she would never take that chance. This situation had to be right for both of them, and changing the dynamics of her relationship with Evan would change her entire world. The gnawing question that kept raising its ugly head centered on whether or not Evan was willing and able to accept them as a package deal.
“Need any help?”
Sierra must have jumped ten feet in the air as Evan’s voice whispered those three little words in her ear. She must have been taking too long and he had come to check on her.
Evan knew Sierra was running from him. He had noticed the change in her breathing pattern and the pulse at the base of her neck speeding up before she sped off into the kitchen. Oh, yeah, she felt the attraction just as much as he did. After giving her a few minutes to gather herself, Evan lifted himself off the couch and followed behind her. He stood there watching her for a few seconds, amazed that this opportunity was in front of him.
No one would ever call him an angel, and he wouldn’t have accepted the title if they tried. He had done things in the heat of the battle, in the name of God, country, and Corps, that would make most people turn away from him in disgust. But somewhere in his life, in his wicked, crazy, questionable life, he must have done something good to deserve this chance. Evan knew he would have to woo her and prove this wasn’t a fluke. This was not a fleeting wave of emotion brought on by an online friendship and his happiness at being home. He knew he wanted something more with her, to share more of himself and his life with her. Giving Sierra time to get to know him was one thing, but he was bound and determined to make her see the man standing in front of her.
Of course, there was also Dusty to consider. He would never do anything to harm that little boy, and he wanted to make sure Sierra knew just how serious about her he truly was before anything was said to Dusty about the two of them.
After a few more seconds, he moved away from the doorway to stand behind her. He noticed her eyes were closed and she seemed to be talking to herself.
“Need any help?” While he wanted to ask her if she wanted him,