you’ll be a murderer.’
‘One month from today, eh? Ho!’ And he laughed, because the idea was so
patently ridiculous. Recovering enough, he put his tongue in his cheek. ‘Today’s August first,
right? So on September first, you owe me a dollar.’
‘No, you’ll owe me two dimes.’
‘You’re stubborn, aren’t you?’
‘You don’t know how stubborn.’
It was a fine late-summer evening, with just the right breeze, a lack of
mosquitoes, two cigars burning the right way, and the sound of Mr Bentley’s wife clashing the
dinner plates into soapsuds in the distant kitchen. Along the streets of the small town, people
were coming out onto their porches, nodding at one another.
‘This is one of the most foolish conversations I’ve ever held in my life,’
said Mr Bentley, sniffing the air with glad appreciation, noting the smell of fresh-cut grass.
‘We talk about murder for ten minutes, we get off into whether all of us are capable of murder,
and, next thing you know, we’ve made a bet.’
‘Yes,’ said Mr Hill.
Mr Bentley looked over at his boarder. Mr Hill was about fifty-five, though
he looked a bit older, with cold blue eyes, and a gray face, and lines that made it look like
an apricot that has been allowed to shrivel in the sun. He was neatly bald, like a Caesar, and
had an intense way of talking, gripping the chair, gripping your arm,gripping his own hands together as if in prayer, always convincing himself or
convincing you of the truth of his exclamations. They had had many good talks in the past three
months, since Mr Hill had moved into the back bedroom. They had talked of myriad things:
locusts in spring, snow in April, seasonal tempests and coolings, trips to far places, the
usual talk, scented with tobacco, comfortable as a full dinner, and there was a feeling in Mr
Bentley that he had grown up with this stranger, known him from his days as a yelling child
through bumpy adolescence to whitening senility. This, come to think of it, was the first time
they had ever disagreed on anything. The wonderful thing about their friendship had been that
it had so far excluded any quibblings or side issues, and had walked the straight way of Truth,
or what the two men thought was truth, or perhaps, thought Mr Bentley now, with the cigar in
his hand, what he had thought was the truth and what Mr Hill, out of politeness or plan, had
pretended to take for the truth also.
‘Easiest money I ever made,’ said Mr Bentley.
‘Wait and see. Carry those dimes with you. You may need them soon.’
Mr Bentley put the coins into his vest pocket, half soberly. Perhaps a turn
in the wind had, for a moment, changed the temperature of his thoughts. For a moment, his mind
said, Well, could you murder? Eh?
‘Shake on it,’ said Mr Hill.
Mr Hill’s cold hand gripped tightly.
‘It’s a bet.’
‘All right, you fat slob, good night,’ said Mr Hill, and got up.
‘What?’ cried Mr Bentley, startled, not insulted yet, but because he couldn’t
believe that terrible use of words.
‘Good night, slob,’ said Mr Hill, looking at him calmly. His hands were busy,
moving aside the buttons on his summer shirt. The flesh of his lean stomach was revealed. There
was an old scar there. It looked as if a bullet had gone cleanly through.
‘You see,’ said Mr Hill, seeing the wide popping eyes of the plump man in the
rocking chair, ‘I’ve made this bet before.’
The front door shut softly. Mr Hill was gone.
The light was burning in Mr Hill’s room at ten minutes after one. Sitting
there in the dark, Mr Bentley at last, unable to find sleep, got up and moved softly into the
hall and looked at Mr Hill. For the door was open and there was Mr Hill standing before a
mirror, touching, tapping, pinching himself, now here, now there.
And he seemed to be thinking to himself, Look at me! Look, here, Bentley, and
Bentley looked.
There were three round scars on Hill’s chest and