What the hell was she doing here? The last he heard, she was running an event planning business in Seattle and she was engaged. His mother made sure to fill him in on that news; the guy’s name was Sven or Jan or some such shit like that.
Gazing down while she looked up, Gavin’s heart pounded. Women had come and gone in his life, but none ever stuck. In the back of his mind, he always secretly compared them with Ally. Never had anyone else been his friend, someone he could tell anything to. Maybe that made him a candy ass, but to him a woman was more than a warm body.
Ally had always been more than that.
“Okay,” Code said. “So the redhead who’s looking up this way is hot . Do you know her? She looks familiar.”
Gavin kept his eyes fixed. “It’s Ally Beaumont.”
He knew the silence from his friend was shock. In high school, Ally was the wallflower. The geeky girl who wasn’t petite and perky. Instead of being a cheerleader, she was in the band. Instead of going out on a Saturday night, she stayed home and read books. She was funny, and sweet, and there were times he’d have rather been with her than his boys.
But in true high school fashion, the mean girls got involved and preyed on Ally’s insecurities, making her second guess their friendship. She might have thought he considered her a pity case back then, but he didn’t. Gavin really liked her, and just when he thought they might have a chance for something more, she let him down in the worst possible way. He hadn’t ever considered having to see her again.
But there she was, and while he had no idea what she was planning, the look on her gorgeous face told him she meant business.
“I don’t remember Ally being so… uh…” Code didn’t know what to say. “She’s really hot.”
“Yeah. I need some air,” Gavin groaned.
“Air?” Rowan was behind him, hands on her hips. “Oh, no. You’re going to run for it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous—”
“Go! In there!” She pointed to the storage room where the food and beer had been set up. “There’s a window in there. But don’t even think about jumping and making a getaway. I will find you.”
“Jump? Are you nuts? I’m not jumping, Ro.”
“I don’t put anything past the lot of you.” With those words, she stormed off.
Colt looked straight at Nick. “Your sister is nuts.”
“This isn’t news to me. Just don’t get her mad or I’ll hear about it forever.”
“Come on, Cody,” Mrs. D said. “Let’s go.”
“First. Effing perfect,” Code mumbled, heading down the stairs with Mrs. Downey. All Gavin could think was that it was like a dead man walking. The hoots and catcalls started before his friend even hit the stage.
This was going to be a long, long night.
Ally was getting nervous; some serious money had been tossed around tonight, and she just wasn’t used to being in the spotlight. Her bid, if she threw the whole thing on the pile of money already raised, would be the most forward, bold, and garish thing she’d ever done.
It could backfire in a big way. But it would get her a date. Gavin’s offering in the program was simple and direct. “Your wish is my command…”
It was also complete crap.
“There’s no way he wrote this,” Ally said pointing at the program. Lisa and Vivi looked at the blurb and each raised a well-groomed eyebrow.
Ally shook her head. “No way. Gavin would never give up that much control. It’s not in his nature.”
“Who do you think is responsible?” Vivi wondered.
“Probably one of the organizers. They mean well, but seriously? This will definitely bring out all the crazies.” Crazies like Jenny.
She had no choice now. Ally had to save him.
“With that kind of promise, I might bid on him,” Vivi said under her breath.
However, once Ally, who’d felt a cold wave of anger wash through her body, locked her gaze on her friend, Vivi put her hands up in retreat.
“Kidding. Kidding. Wow.”
“And now