in love that quickly, right? I mean, I’m right. Right?
The shrilling sound of the door opening draws me from my thoughts again. What a fucking mess I’m in. Willing myself to pull my shit together, I look up and see a gorgeous blonde standing before me. As if she just walked straight off the cover of Vogue and strutting her stuff proudly. She’s the type of woman every woman wants to look at and the kind every man wants forever. Her skin is the clearest I’ve ever seen. Her golden silky locks are long, draping over her shoulders, and her mile high legs are killer. She reminds me of someone I once knew, me before the accident.
Drying my hands on my jeans and pulling myself from the tiny girl crush I just formed, I begin to speak. “Can I help you?” I ask.
“Um yeah. I made an appointment to get my puppy--”
Her words are cut off by the crashing sounds of the front door and the loud crashing noise accompanying it. I look up to a mid-size Golden Retriever come busting through the door and on the end of the leash, Finn.
“There’s my boys,” Blondie coos.
Everything inside me freezes with sheer horror. Finn. Girlfriend. Dog. I let him inside of me last night. He touched every single part of me.
“Just a sec. Just a second,” I manage to mumble out before racing off.
“Tessa,” Finn hollers.
I force myself to ignore the tone and the sound of his voice and instead prep the room for the procedure scheduled. I knew we had one puppy to neuter this afternoon, never did I imagine it was Finn’s girlfriend. Never.
“What’s going on in here?” Tommie asks.
“Prepping for the procedure, fucking duh.”
“Stop throwing shit now, Tess. What’s wrong?”
Throwing a sterile kit at Tommie, I let her have it, “The guy who fucked me is out there with his puppy. Wait, I mean his girlfriend’s puppy.”
“Stop, please. You need to leave. Go get some fresh air. I can’t have you here like this, Tess.”
“Oh, I’m not leaving, you can bet your ass on that one, sister. We have a dog to neuter.”
“Settle down then,” Tommie warns as she leaves the room.
Moments later, the door opens and Tommie leads Finn, Blondie and the puppy into the room. It took everything in me to calm down, the few minutes I was by myself, but just a few seconds of seeing his handsome face and those hands that were all over me, I’m instantly enraged again. I want to shout, “How” “Why” and most of all “Fuck you, Finn.”
Tommie begins her typical vet routine explaining to them about the procedures and after care, while I busy myself organizing and reorganizing all the perfectly placed instruments.
I finally hear Tommie’s voice. “Are you ready, Tess?”
“Yes,” I reply
“Okay, we’re going to ask you to leave now. We’ll be in contact with you when the procedure is done or you are more than welcome to wait out in the waiting room,” Tommie instructs.
Blondie pipes up, “Thank you so much. Take care of my boy for me. Finn and I have some catching up to do.”
“Kara, it’s not like that and you know it,” Finn hisses.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying.”
Kara giggles at her own joke, and all this mess makes me want to stab my left kneecap with a scalpel.
“Tess, walk these two out while I get to work, and remember to switch the phone to go directly to the answering service.”
Finn walks over to their puppy, pets his head and begins to speak, “You’ll be alright, little buddy. Sorry about the nut thing, but I promise you a full day of fishing and fetch at Granddaddy’s. These girls will take good care of you, Rocky.”
He instantly straightens, stands up and walks straight towards me, grabs my hand and shouts over his shoulder, “I’ll meet you at the truck, Kara.”
Halfway down the hall, I realize I’m allowing Finn to drag me.
“Stop, Finn.”
He doesn’t loosen his grip or slow his speed. Finally, we hit a dark corner of the office, and he spins me around to face