Tags: Romance, Magic, Time travel, book, love, Forbidden Love, dream, missing, lost, back in time, out of time, fictional, boy of her dreams, call of the canyon, nancy pennick, waiting for dusk
time. Just as she opened the kitchen door to go inside, she heard a familiar voice. “You do get a lunch break, don’t you, Kate?” She whirled around to see Drew standing behind her. She almost dropped the basket of eggs. “Yes, of course I do,” she said indignantly. She really didn’t remember last time if she did or not. “Well, then I would love to have lunch with you. I’d love to show you the park.” Drew pointed past the hotel. “The p-p-park?” She completely forgot she was at some sort of resort people in the 1920’s vacationed at. “Do you know where you’re at?” Drew chuckled light-heartedly. “Well, I know it’s hot and dry here. Not too much grass. Lots of pine trees. The sky is always blue and the sun shines high in the sky,” Katie tried to be factual. Too scared to look around the first day, she just gazed at the other girls’ faces during the car ride to the hotel. This morning she had her eyes closed the whole time. “Come here,” Drew took Katie’s hand. She almost dropped the basket again. He took it from her and set it on the step. They walked to the end of the building and around the corner. Katie gasped. She put her hand over her mouth and then mumbled, “The Grand Canyon.” “Yes, that’s right. You didn’t know you were working at El Tovar at the Canyon?” “Yes...yes of course I knew!” Kate fibbed. Her eyes were still as large as saucers. It was such an overwhelming sight. She looked at Drew. He was looking at the canyon with awe, too. “You love it, don’t you?” “Yes, that’s why I’m here. To learn as much as I possibly can about it.” He became very quiet. “I need to get back, but I’ll meet you later for lunch.” “Lunch it is.” The morning seemed to drag by. Katie thought it would never be lunchtime. Then the backdoor flew open and Drew walked in. He was greeted by everyone. He knew them all by name. “Cook, what’s good for lunch today?” He slapped Cook on the back. Cook’s brown skin glistened from working over the hot stove. He wiped his brow and turned toward Drew. “Everything’s good, Andrew. You know that. I am the Cook!” They laughed like they were the best of friends. Katie loved when Cook laughed. His teeth were the whitest Katie ever saw. His face lit up the room and he put everyone in a good mood. Cook handed Andrew a pail. “Have a good lunch. And don’t fall into the canyon. I swear you get too close to that edge.” “You’ll have to join me, Thomas, on a hike or maybe that mule ride down the trail,” he teased. “I know you don’t care to get too close to the canyon edge in any form. You’ll have to get over that fear if you want to be a ranger someday.” He slapped Thomas on the back. “Or you can stick to being the greatest cook here at the park.” Andrew headed for the door, but not before catching Katie’s eye and pointing toward the canyon. Katie’s heart skipped a beat. She wanted to gaze into that face for longer than a minute. She couldn’t wait. Cook broke Katie’s thoughts. “Hello, Kate! It’s time for a lunch break. Hey, that rhymes.” He laughed at his own joke. Katie jumped and came back to reality. “Thanks, Cook,” she said as he handed her a little pail covered with one of the dining room’s cloth napkins. She didn’t realize he called her Kate. Anna ran up to her. “You are on your own today. You can go into the lunchroom or there are tables outside in the back. Here’s some sweet tea.” She handed Katie a small jug. “Thanks, Anna. I think I’ll go outside today.” Anna’s dark brown eyes seemed to have love and concern in them as Katie took the tea from her. Anna was lovely, even though her long hair was tied back in a bun and covered in netting like the other girls. Anna’s dark blonde hair was done up so neatly. Katie didn’t know if she’d ever get the hang of it. “Have a good lunch then. See you in a half-hour.” Half-hour? That’s all I