something warm and melty, made her open her eyes, turn to look at him.
“Good luck.” He smiled one shining, beautiful smile before he disappeared through the door, his nurse trailing after him.
Chapter 5
“Skip, did you know Getty was a patient here when you hit on Stacey?” Eric cornered his friend in the break room.
Skip’s face got weird, evasive. “No,” he said finally, looking at Eric.
“Are you sure? You didn’t recognize her?”
“Dude, look at her chart. Look at the date on her new patient paperwork. She came in for the first time the week after I met Stace—who doesn’t know about this by the way, if that’s your next question.”
“I see you did the ultrasound four days ago, you must have recognized her.”
“And you didn’t think to mention?”
“Eric … I love you like a brother. You and Erica and Odie have been my best friends since college. But I feel weird talking about a patient like this.” Skip shrugged and walked away.
Eric buried his hands in his hair—shaking. His gut kept clenching at the shock he’d felt when he walked into that room and saw her lying on the table. A jolt of attraction had sliced through him, followed by all those questions—questions he knew damn well he had no right to ask. A very small, very primitive part of him had wanted to tell her he could think of a preferable way to get her pregnant.
Right, like he could have said one of the million things that popped into his mind with a nurse in the room? No way. Even thinking them, he was ashamed of himself. He had spent the last weeks thinking about Getty almost non-stop, but she was the last person on earth he wanted to see in his clinic.
The gut-curling, cock-hardening, oh hell, just once, just-let-me-get-her-out-of-my-system kind of lust that raced through him when he thought about her showed no sign of abating. She was his own private temptation incarnate, and she was now irrevocably off limits.
To say he didn’t sleep that night would be an understatement. He tried, God knows he tried. He tossed and turned in his great big empty bed, in his sterile, empty house, torn between hoping Getty’s insemination worked so he’d never see her again, and hoping it didn’t so he’d have an excuse to see her again.
And the more he thought about Getty and insemination and babies and pregnancy, the more confused he got. Not to mention the raging hard-on he’d been sporting seemingly non-stop since the night he’d danced with her. That’s what he got for missing his date with Dr. Who: an inappropriate obsession with an unattainable woman.
And now he had the entirely inappropriate knowledge of how smooth the skin on her inner thighs was, how perfect and pink her pussy was, that she was blonde everywhere. As if he needed those sights and smells to collide with his memory of one sweet strawberry-lip-gloss-scented kiss in a dark dance club. He groaned into his pillow, reaching for his dick and a hurried, fantasy-driven release as his only hope for sleep.
* * * *
The next morning he stalked into the break room, desperate for a cup of coffee. He heard Skip’s voice on the phone and he scowled as he tried not to eavesdrop. Easier said than done once he realized Skip was talking to Stacey.
“No baby, I mean it. I’m cooking supper tonight. Yeah. I’ll see you then. Yeah, you too.” Skip flipped his phone closed and walked over to the coffee pot.
“Hey. Listen, Skip, I’m sorry about yesterday.”
“Just don’t… Look. Getty’s friends don’t know. I really like Stacey, and it’s hard enough dating her and knowing this great big secret about one of her best friends. Please don’t make it more complicated.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I was wrong to put you in that position. I’m sorry. But if you see her…”
“Dude. You missed your chance. You blew it with this one. I’m sorry.” Skip patted his shoulder awkwardly as he walked around him.
“Skip, please.” Eric looked at his