axes weighing 8.4 pounds a little less than 4 miles south of Safita in Syria. And in Ain Fritissa in Eastern Morocco, he discovered some weighing 9.3 pounds (12.6 inches long and 8.7 inches wide)! In his expert opinion, axes of this size would only be suitable for use by giants.' Saurat supports the former existence of giants and even claimed that they could be responsible for the unexplained dolmens and huge menhirs that can be found throughout Europe. He also thought that it would account for the superhuman power required to build the cyclops walls that are dotted around the Mediterranean area. Bones from oversized early men were discovered as early as 1936 by German anthropologist L. Kohn-Larsen by Lake Eyasi in Tanzania. He even gave them a scientific name: Meganthropus africanus. Similar finds were made in Java (Meganthropus palaeojavanicus). The former delegate of the French Prehistoric Society, Dr. Louis Burkhalter, speaking in an article that appeared in the 1950 Revue du Musee de Beyrouth in Beirut, fully supported these bone findings: "I would like to make clear that the existence of giant humanoids in the Acheulean Epoch must be considered to be a scientifically proven fact."
In the middle of the last century, Australian archaeologist Dr. Rex Gilroy, director of the Mount York Natural History Museum in Bathurst, New South Wales, discovered huge prehistoric tools together with a skeleton and a molar tooth measuring 2.3 inches in length and 1.8 inches in breadth. He even found a huge footprint measuring 23.6 x 7.1 inches in the dried-up earth. Dr. Gilroy conjectured that the being that made this footprint would have had to have been 20 feet tall!
Another simply "impossible" finding involving massive footprints was made in Glen Rose, Texas. Here, in the riverbed of the Paluxy River, dinosaur footprints were discovered alongside those of giant human beings. All in the same sedimentary layer! Any anthropologist will tell you that that's just not possible: Dinosaurs and men never lived at the same time. Curiously, in this case it wasn't just one or two footprints; it was dozens! The direction of the dinosaur's flight is clearly identifiable-and the human footprints follow right behind as if they were chasing the beast.20 The findings in Glen Rose ignited a heated scientific debate. The evolution theorists were united: dinosaur footprints and human footprints in the same sedimentary layer? It could only be a forgery. And they even ascribed this fakery to the creationists, those people who-especially in the United States-do not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution but rather that all life on Earth came about as a result of divine creation. The creationists themselves, on the other hand, vehemently denied that they had had anything to with it. The amazing thing about this scientific debate was the fact that the very few evolutionists who actually dared to make the trip to the Paluxy River to check out the discovery for themselves often ended up actually changing sides. People and dinosaurs at the same time? Impossible? In recent times, even the impossible seems to have become possible.
Renowned evolutionist biologist Professor Robert Martin from the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago) is convinced that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time: "Humans and other primates evolved around 90 million years ago. Accordingly, the ancestors of gorillas, chimpanzees and humans lived side by side with the dinosaurs and really only began their evolution after the dinosaur's extinction."21
Paleontologist Wolf-Dieter Heinrich from the Berlin Museum for Natural History actually found petrified remains from the Late Jurassic period. And he found them in the famous Tendaguru fossil layers in Tanzania-a site known for its dinosaur remains.
Professor Martin and his team conducted a number of molecular genetic tests that confirmed the extreme age of the bones. Professor Ulfur Arnason from the University of Lund in Sweden,