stared him down. “No, for CHF .”
To apologize would be even sillier so Halliday didn’t. Although Betsy had never mentioned it around the office, everyone knew that Brayden was also battling prostate cancer. It struck Halliday as odd that Brayden would want to hide it.
Brayden grimaced, like he wished he was somewhere else. “What happened this morning near Genevive Labs?”
“I took a call at 0930 from a vagrant named Lamar Festus regarding a missing person.”
“Missing person?” The chief expressed confusion.
“Yes sir, a friend of his named Shack.”
Halliday held up his hand, reached for the water bottle and took a long sip. Experience told him to minimize Genevive Labs’ involvement. If he did, the missing person issue would die here in the chief’s office as far as Genevive Labs was concerned.
“Festus appeared disoriented. He bolted when Gladstone arrived. We couldn’t find him or any evidence of Shack.”
“What evidence were you looking for?”
Halliday wouldn’t bring up the nonexistent body or the Sierra Contractors. “A pedestrian or tire tracks. We found nothing.”
The chief’s gaze settled on a bowling trophy off to the left.
“I had Gladstone check COPLINK,” Halliday continued. “He discovered Festus had a record. Then we found out he’s a missing person, too.”
“Two missing persons?” The chief looked perplexed. “I understand Sheriff Barnes reported that Festus, a citizen of Redwood Bluff, had been missing since last Thursday. Who’s this other MP?”
Halliday leaned forward in his chair. “Like I said, Festus’s friend Shack is missing.”
The chief seemed to swallow the remnants of a joke when he said, “Gladstone told me that Lamar Festus became distraught when his dog Shack turned up missing.”
Shit. “A dog? This is the first time I’ve heard that.”
Had Gladstone blindsided him? Halliday couldn’t hide his embarrassment.
The chief expelled another wad of phlegm into the spittoon. Brayden’s brief crooked grin could have been the result of Halliday’s ignorance or a grim reminder of his condition.
Chief Brayden brushed his hand across his eyes. “You and Gladstone need to get on the same page. Continue your search for Festus. Take the lead. Gladstone’s a good kid. As you know, his inexperience often trips him up.”
Halliday nodded, but decided to voice his thoughts. “Chief, is there anything I should know about Festus? Quite frankly, I’m surprised that you called me in to discuss it.”
“Anything that involves Genevive Labs goes through me. Is there anything you don’t understand about that, detective?”
“No, sir.”
Brayden had become tight with the biotech company. In private, some PD personnel argued the chief had crossed the line. Word was that he had done favors for Genevive, had looked the other way when an infraction involved Genevive personnel. As it was, the company’s security rivaled a military post. It made Festus’s story of spying on them even more remarkable.
“It is not necessary to involve Genevive personnel in the Festus investigation. Determine his whereabouts first and notify me. Got it? And keep me posted.”
Halliday had expected the order. “I understand, sir.”
The lull signaled an end to the meeting. Halliday rose. “Anything else, sir?”
The chief, his eyes sunk in fleshy folds, juggled papers around for a moment. Without looking up, he said, “I’m sure you’ve heard the budget cut rumors. A small town like Santa Reina hardly warrants three detectives.”
Halliday, both feet planted with hands on hips, said, “Yes, I’ve heard the rumors.”
“A word to the wise. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. If I were you I’d keep my nose extremely clean the next few weeks.”
The chief waved the document in the air. “You’re a damned good detective, John. I’d hate to lose you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, sir,” he said.
Halliday saw the handwriting on the wall.