banker, Dr. Ricardo de Espirito Santo é Silva. On their arrival they found two British flying boats waiting to take them to England. The Duke sent them back. Refused to go. Don't you find that interesting?”
“Did he give a reason?”
“According to our information, he insisted on the offer of a worthwhile post and assurances that the Duchess would be treated in future in full accord with her status as his wife.”
“That seems reasonable,” Schellenberg said.
“They've hardly made the best use of his talents so far in this war. Has he had a reply?”
“Apparently Churchill is offering him the governorship of the Bahamas.”
“Clever,” Schellenberg said, “and practical. Three thousand miles from the war. Has he accepted?”
“Not yet. Quite obviously, he's stalling for time. We feel he would probably far rather stay on in Spain or possibly even in Switzerland. Naturally that gangster Churchill and his clique wouldn't like this, and we may assume that the British Secret Service would take a hand.”
“In what way?”
“Oh, I should imagine the obvious ploy would be to make sure the Duke got on the boat to the Bahamas whether he wanted to or not, which is where you come in, Schellenberg. The Führer feels you would be the ideal man to speak to the Duke on our behalf. Offer any assistance he may need. Financial, for example, if that is necessary. Whatever happens, the Duke must be given help to reach the country of his choice.”
“Even if that proves to be the Bahamas?”
Ribbentrop glanced at him. “My dear Schellenberg, as I've told you before on many occasions, that facetiousness of yours could well be the death of you one of these days.”
“My apologies, Minister.”
“To continue. If the Duke should prove in any way hesitant the Führer would have no objection to your helping him reach the right decision.”
“By force?”
“If necessary. Naturally, it will also be your responsibility to see that the Duke and his wife are not exposed to any personal danger. A hunting trip into Spain is all it takes. Once you have them over the border, the rest is simple.”
Schellenberg said, “And this is a direct order from the Führer himself?”
“But of course.” Ribbentrop passed an envelope across. “You'll find everything you need in there. Total authority. I can only wish you well and envy your inevitable success in this matter.”
Heydrich sat by the window in his office holding the document in his hand.
General Schellenberg is acting under my direct and personal orders in a matter of the utmost importance to the Reich. He is answerable only to me. All personnel, military and civil, without distinction of rank, will assist him in any way he sees fit.
Adolf Hitler
“Nonsense!” Heydrich said. “Sheer bloody nonsense and all built on totally false assumptions.”
There was a knock on the door and a young secretary entered with a file which she placed on his desk. She went out without a word and Heydrich tapped it with a finger.
“In here, Walter, is everything you need to know about the Duke of Windsor—everything recorded about him. But what have I taught you to be the first and most fundamental principle of intelligence work?”
“As the Jesuits put it, by the small things shalt thou know them.”
“Exactly. It is not what a man says or what people say about him that is the truth. It is how he behaves, for character is action.” He tapped the file. “And nowhere more so than with this man. How would you describe him—in the world's eyes?”
“A contradiction. Concerned about his fellow men—his attitude to the English working classes proved that—and yet fond of luxury and pleasure. A difficult man; reserved.”
“Perhaps. Certainly stubborn.”
“Because of his stand on the question of marrying the Duchess? Some people might find that admirable. In the past, the hypocrisy of many kings of England in