food here isn’t that bad though.”
“It’s okay. But I also found out my husband is going to be out of town on business the next two days.”
“Oh. Sorry you’ll be lonely.”
“I’ll probably try to do something about that. Maybe I can get a friend to come over or… Is that him ?” Meredith had noticed Mercy and her class about to pass them. Bringing up the rear was a man she did not recognize, except by reputation. And she suddenly understood how that reputation had come about so quickly. She subtly flashed Mercy a look of approval and received a mouthed, “I know,” in response.
Then Meredith realized her hallmate was eyeing her strangely. “What were you saying?” Ellen asked.
“What?” Meredith flushed a little as she realized she had been caught studying the new teacher like the day-after-Thanksgiving sale ads. “I… oops, we’re here. Later, Ellen.” She ushered her students into her room as Ellen continued to hers.
At the end of the day, Mercy appeared in her doorway to make a proper introduction and to pretend she hadn’t already told her friend all about her attractive replacement.
“Meredith, you’re not too busy for a quick visit, are you?”
“Of course not. Come sit down. Are you going to make it through the week?”
“I’m a little tired, but it’s not so bad. As for making it through the week,” she pointed at her basketball-shaped midsection, “that’s up to this guy.”
Meredith nodded, and then looked deliberately past Mercy to the man who had followed her into the classroom.
“Oh, yes. I brought Gavin in to meet you. Meredith Donnor , this is Gavin Giano . He’s taking over my class for the rest of the year.”
“Hey, Meredith. Donnor ? Like ‘the Donnor party?’”
“Yes, no relation though.” Meredith was always in a hurry to move beyond her last name to avoid the tired jokes. “So, Gavin, how was your first day?”
“Not bad. Seems like a good group of kids so I don’t think I’ll have any problems.”
“Maybe not big problems, but I for one don’t know how you stand the giggling.” Mercy turned to Meredith. “I swear every girl in the class has a crush on him already.”
“They’re fourth-graders! Are fourth-graders old enough to have crushes?”
“Sure. Didn’t you?”
“To be honest, aside from maybe a couple subs, I didn’t have a male teacher until seventh grade. And let me assure you that no one had a crush on Mr. Johns.” They all laughed, probably thinking of different teachers from their respective pasts, before Meredith looked at Gavin more seriously. “But I hope that isn’t really going to be a problem for you.”
“No, they’ll get used to me pretty soon. And as soon as I have to give a detention or something, I’ll seem much less cool.”
“Maybe.” Mercy looked doubtful.
“Has Mercy given you the official tour of the building and clued you in on everything you’ll need to know?”
“Yes. She even told me about the coffee.”
“Oh, good. Because she wasn’t kidding. You will be fired if you use the main pot for decaf.”
“Thanks for the warning. Both of you. I really don’t drink coffee so it shouldn’t be an issue.”
“Worried it will stunt your growth or something?” Meredith teased. Gavin was about six foot four.
He smiled. Wow. Now there was a smile. Meredith would miss her friend during her maternity leave, but she couldn’t help appreciating how much the scenery would be improving with her replacement.
“We should get back so we can all go home soon.” Mercy was already halfway to the door. She was bored with showing off for now.
“Alright. See you both tomorrow.” There was some waving and nodding as the two visitors departed. A short time later, Meredith left the room for the day as well. She went home to an empty house. She