Come up with alternative plans to reach the same goal.
Call someone for a pep talk or a strategy session.
Create a chant. “I’m a lean, mean writing machine.” “When I write, the world is at my mercy.”
The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.
We are all called to serve in one way or another. Successful writers know their purpose is to serve the world through writing. I encourage you to come up with your life mission statement. Do you want to entertain children? Instruct, heal, or encourage people? Your words will be a gift to the world, know what you want them to do.
Ways to Improve Your Vision
Dream big dreams! The kind that make your heart race. The kind that you’re a little afraid might come true. (Don’t forget to write them down.)
Identify your audience. You can’t properly serve people you don’t understand. Have someone in mind when you’re writing, even if it’s you.
Envision what kind of book has your name on it. What does it look like? Is it hardcover or paperback? Sketch out an idea.
Create a brilliant review for your book.
Create letters to the editor that applaud your article.
Create a list of magazines –in which you would like to see your byline.
Write a tale, or imagine how your work will affect people.
Do you see an entirely different storytelling style? A hybrid genre
Go to a bookstore and imagine seeing your books there on the shelves.
Envision your life in five years, then ten. Write down what you’re doing, where you’re living, and how you go about your day-to-day activities.
Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long; even if it is the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one, and the great charm of all power is modesty.
Many of the top writers don’t gossip about the industry or other writers. They don’t grumble online or gripe about their woes to anyone who will listen. They don’t go to conferences to have a whinefest (writers are great whiners). I won’t say they are model citizens, but they are generous with their time and knowledge (yes, I know there are exceptions, but you don’t want to be one of those, I hope). These writers are humble about their gifts, don’t talk about their competition in unflattering terms and are respected in the field.
Ways to Improve Your Grace
Offer advice to someone who is struggling.
Give praise.
Find out the names of people you work with, the name of the editor’s assistant, your postal carrier. Acknowledge them from time to time.
Send gifts for no reason.
Limit the time you spend online in chat rooms, blogs, message boards or loops. It’s very easy to slip into gossip.
If you despise your readers, they will probably despise you.
Great writers don’t try to impress their readers with large vocabularies or grand ideas. They write to be understood, to instruct or entertain — nothing more. Don’t play it safe, say what you mean; let your words shine.
Ways to Improve Your Clarity
Use both short and long sentences.
Read books on craft (e.g.,
The Elements of Style
by Strunk and White)
Identify your audience. Keep them in mind as you write. Writing for teenagers is different from writing for middle-aged housewives or immigrant students.
Measure the readability of your prose. You can find tools for this in Microsoft Word and other resources. Remember most successful writers write at the 6 th grade level or below.
Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work.
By listening to the creator within, we are led to our right path.
Many successful writers have a spiritual connection, not