Hence the reason for a pilot to be on hand twenty four seven.
Shane could not contain his curiosity
any longer and leaned forward between the seats.
“Bubblelicious? It sounds … “
“Stupid, something only Varsity pals
can come up with.”
“Tell us more.” She glanced at him
and smilingly shook her head.
“I’d rather not. May I ask what the
problem is at Keller?”
Shane sat back in his seat and left it
to Logan to respond. His answer was abrupt and short.
“There are labor disputes and someone
got hurt.”
She waited for more, but he was
clearly annoyed. Damn Daniel. Literally ten minutes on the job and she was
in trouble already.
“I’d appreciate you keeping your
lovers in check when you’re on duty.”
“Guess there goes this job for me
His head swung in her direction. “And
why is that?”
“I wouldn’t want to keep you in check,
Babe. Besides, I have a very strict rule never to sleep with my boss … and I
have every intention sleeping with you.”
Shane laughed so hard it was a wonder
he didn’t fall out of the chopper. The arousal Logan tried to keep under
control since he heard her voice, slammed instantaneously and fully erect
against his pants again.
“You should wait until you’re invited,
“Waiting makes for long, lonely
nights, Babe and I am not getting any younger. I believe in taking action …
much like you, I suppose … if memory serves me right?”
“Wow … what did I miss? Come on,
Logan, out with it”
“None of your business, little bro. I
wonder … is this bravery of yours a front to put me off, or is this your
roundabout way of telling me hands off.”
“Damn, you are as clever as they say!”
Shane laughed even harder and Madison
couldn’t help but chuckle with. She glanced at Logan and noticed his hard,
unsmiling stare and she swallowed her laugh. She cleared her throat.
“I am sorry, sir. Sometimes my mouth
tends to run away with me. Grand Pops always used to say, I should really
think before I yak. Guess this was one of those times.”
Fortunately for her they reached the
rig at that point and she circled to land on the clearly lit helipad. She
noticed the group of rowdy workers standing on the side of the plant. A tall
grey haired man was trying to reason with them and assist those hurt at the
same time.
Both the Dalton’s jumped from the
chopper before it even settled on the ground and she shut it down and did all
the checks before she slowly walked around the chopper, not sure what she was
allowed or not allowed to do in such situations. She decided to walk closer
and see if she could assist with those hurt. Over the years she also qualified
as a medic and could assist in any medical emergency if needed.
She opened the side panel and lifted
the heavy emergency kit and jogged closer. She assessed the injuries and
immediately headed for a large blond man bleeding profusely from a gash on his
head. Before she reached him her path was blocked by snarling riggers.
“Stay away bitch!”
She looked up and pushed her cap
back. The redhead giant in front of her flinched when he met her gaze.
“And how would you know, buster? You
don’t know me, and I sure as hell don’t want to know you. Now, is he one of
“Yes, and no Dalton is going to lay
their hands on him.”
She noticed a frantic movement in her
direction and she shook her head slightly, hoping Logan would pay her
attention. She dumped the heavy kit and slammed her fists in her waist.
“Correct me if I am wrong, buster, but
do you all not work for the Daltons?”
“Yes, but …”
“And do they pay your salaries every
“Yes, but …”
“And was it them that hurt these men
over here?”
He was silent for long and shifted his
weight from one foot to the other, his eyes darting to his mates all drooping
their shoulders.
“Well, no, but …”
“Yes, your damn butt should be