My “best gift” is the gift God gave the world in the baby Jesus, “God with us.”
Here is why I think this is the VERY BEST gift:
That baby in the manger was the best gift of all because Jesus was and is God with us .
God is with us when we don’t have enough money to get our child the one toy she wants for Christmas. I looked at Casey, and she nodded. God is with us when the dog dies and a little boy is heart-broken. I looked at Taylor and he smiled. God is with us when a grown woman’s forgotten childhood losses come back to leave her crying on the stairs.
God is with us at the “Happiest Place on Earth” and when we are so unhappy that we don’t know how to go on. God is with us when our marriage and family is in danger of being torn apart and he gives us the love we need to stay together.
God is with us to hear our prayers.
God is with us to provide.
God is with us to redeem our losses, to celebrate our joys, and to put our broken lives back together.
That is why I think the gift God gave, sending his only Son to be “Immanuel” – which means “God with us” – is the very best gift of all. That is the gift that gave us all the other gifts, including every one mentioned around this table.
Patrick looked relieved. The kids wanted to know who got the prize. So I said, “Everyone gets a prize: Christmas Cocoa!” ( I’ll tell you how to make it as soon as I wrap this up.)
So, dear reader, no matter what challenges you may face this Christmas…
Remember: God is with us! He came to us as that precious Christ child and he will NEVER leave us or forsake us! That is the very best gift of all!
If you have not personally received that gift, make this your best Christmas ever by receiving Him now. Just say a little prayer like this:
Dear God,
Thank you for loving us so much you sent your son, Jesus, to earth as a baby. Thank you that He is “God with us.” I want to receive him into my heart now too and always remember that you love me.
Amen! (That means “Let it be so!”)
And remember this Bible verse:
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)
Happy Christmas!
Keep reading to find the recipe for Christmas Cocoa.
Because this is Christmas cocoa our family only has it in the month of December. Waiting for it makes it seem even more special!
Get a cup or mug, preferably with some sort of Christmas decoration on it
Fill the cup or mug with hot chocolate (you can use a packaged mix or make it from scratch)
Top with too much whipped cream – after all, it’s Christmastime!
Let kids add their own red and green sugar sprinkles
Stir with a candy cane (that gives it yummy minty goodness!)
Merry Christmas & Good-bye!
I hope you enjoyed our family’s stories about The Very Best Gift . Have a cup of Christmas Cocoa with your family and share your stories of the best gift you ever received.
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Cover Art by Casey Robin Neal
To get Casey Robin original art (an excellent and unique gift): Click Here
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