He thought it strangely fitting that it had been their growing militaristic rumblings that had pushed him even further along the road he had already falteringly set foot on. The road to peace. A complete cessation of hostilities with Aks.
He looked back to the warmly lit room he had just come from, The Church of Larn, specially commissioned by himself when this great Controller's Space Cruiser was first built. Through the open door he could see the mihrab, the pointed niche in the wall, moving to his right. The ship was turning and the mihrab's computer automatically tracked the quibla, the direction of prayer. This had been the greatest innovation of all for the Controller. It was vital that he faced the correct way when in prayer, towards the holy planet of Earth.
He turned back to face the long corridor, not attempting to conceal his heavy sigh as Loadra, High Priest of Larn and Religious Advisor to the Controller, stepped from the door at the far end. The Controller's entourage of lesser advisors and armed security parted as the grey robed figure strode through them, long black hair flowing behind him like the tail of a wild beast, equally black eyes flashing above a long straight nose.
Loadra stopped before the portly form of the Controller, his mane of hair in stark contrast to the Controller's bald head, effectively blocking the way forward. The Controller creased a smile across his face, his many years in politics lending the expression a sincerity he did not feel.
"Loadra. I didn't see you at the service?"
The High Priest's voice was a snarl of contempt. "I have no need of these shallow rituals for the masses. I pray to Larn in my own, deeper way and he warns me of the foolishness of your actions."
The Controller's smile faded. "We are on the course to peace Loadra, and nothing you can say will change that."
"This war is a Holy War!" Loadra raised his fist in anger. "The Aksian heathen must be crushed!"
"The Aksian heathen, as you call them, are followers of Larn just as we are. It is the official religion of the whole galaxy."
"They have perverted the true religion with their own laws and rituals. They sanction whores for their leaders. They twist the words of Larn for their own ends. It is a blasphemy that must be rooted out and destroyed."
The Controller shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger, holding back the building headache.
"There’s no use in talking, Loadra. The Treaty is prepared. It just waits for our signatures. Hostilities must cease.”
He looked for some understanding, some acceptance in the other’s eyes but found none.
“You know I am a true believer, but the safety of my people must come before these religious differences." He pushed his way past the High Priest. "We can discuss this further in my quarters if you wish. I will not discuss policy in a ship's corridor with a man more full of anger than sense!"
Surrounded by his ever-present entourage the Controller stormed off towards the door at the far end of the corridor.
Loadra turned to watch him go. He was sworn to advise and follow the Earth Controller, but he was also a High Priest of Larn and equally sworn to follow his faith. There was much to think about.
Chapter 5
Steve felt better after a quick meal of Festi's homegrown egg, bacon and mushrooms. It was unlikely that the eggs came from chickens, or that the bacon came from pigs, and the mushrooms had produced a not unpleasant tingling sensation at the base of his neck, but he didn't care. It was food and it was edible.
He didn't really take much notice of his surroundings until he had finished eating, but as he sat back and sipped at some local hot beverage he had not even asked the name of, he glanced around the small, dark cafe.
There were few other people at the tables. An elderly couple sat in a far corner, drinking whatever Steve was drinking. A middle aged man in a suit, strangely out of place in the surroundings,