individual, separate unit—where the flow never spills over into its neighbors. Instead, the Source Field appears to be flowing through the entire object, with all of its atoms, as a single, large vortex. The shape of the object then determines how the fluidlike energy flows. Some shapes could create powerful currents just by sitting there—causing them to act like machines that run with no moving parts.
In 1995, Dr. Harold Aspden discovered a remarkable “swirling effect” inside a magnetic rotor—the central, rotating part of an engine. Aspden’s experiment involved an eight-hundred-gram rotor that was spun up to a cruising speed of 3,250 revolutions per minute, from a dead stop. Normally it took three hundred joules of energy to get this to happen. However, if you run the rotor for five minutes or more and then bring it to a complete stop, it only takes thirty joules of energy to get it going again—if you do it within sixty seconds. It now takes ten times less energy to get the motor up to speed. The overall effect takes several minutes to wear off completely. This implies that once the spinning rotor comes to a complete stop, there is still some form of energy swirling around inside of it—which Dr. Aspden called “virtual inertia.”
The experimental evidence is that there is something spinning of an ethereal nature coextensive with the machine rotor . . . [it] can spin independently and take several minutes to decay, whereas the motor comes to rest in a few seconds. Two machines of different rotor size and composition reveal the phenomenon—and tests indicate variations with time of day, and compass orientation . . . this discovery was unexpected as it has crept in loud and clear in a project aimed at testing a motor principle totally unrelated to “vacuum spin.” It has appeared obtrusively and I do not yet know whether, in adapting to its presence, it can serve in improving machine performance or become detrimental. 6
I propose that gravity is what pushes on the rotor to get it spinning again with ten times less energy. You create a flowing current in the Source Field and it will still be there for a while—it doesn’t immediately disappear. The pyramid structure appears to operate on the same basic principles—a solid-state machine, with no moving parts, that creates a stable, ongoing vortex in the Source Field simply due to its shape. The flowing pyramid current doesn’t seem to have any noticeable effect on the downward force of gravity, which is a much larger river of energy moving through the whole area—but the pyramid shape does create a dramatic increase in the coherence and structure of its surroundings, apparently by creating a measurable spin in the fluidlike flow of gravity. This, in turn, generates greater crystallization and organization within physical matter—and dramatically improves the health of biological life.
Of course, other shapes would create Source Field currents as well—such as cones and cylinders. Let’s think back to Lyall Watson’s quotes from his book Supernature that we shared earlier. A French firm patented a specially shaped container because it made better yogurt, claiming it somehow improved the microbial action. Czechoslovakian beer makers got better fermentation when they used round barrels instead of angular ones. A German researcher found that mice would heal faster in spherical cages. And Canadian architects discovered that schizophrenic patients showed a “sudden improvement” once they were relocated to a trapezoid-shaped hospital ward. 7 We are now concentrating and focusing the energy of Mind just like we might work with water or electricity—and the results are impressive.
Dr. Viktor Grebennikov made many breakthroughs with these same principles, studying what he called the Cavity Structural Effect . He initially discovered the effect from bee honeycombs. There was a noticeable tingling and burning sensation in his hand over certain types of