inspecting the damage to the monster.
“I would be delighted to help, Doctor Perry!” Robb said. He moved one of his claws down to a small box in the front of his rectangular box looking body and pulled out a hard drive. He plugged it into his head. “Processing. I’ll have an answer for you in three minutes and forty two seconds, Doctor Perry.” he said as a small speaker on the side of him started playing the Jeopardy! theme song.
The doctor shook his head and looked towards Douser. “Sorry, I had it on last night for background noise.”
“It’s fine, doctor.” Douser told him. She stood only close enough to touch the monster if she had to, but still out of the way of him and his team.
After three minutes and some odd seconds, Robb made a buzzer noise.
“I have a solution Doctor Perry! Would you like me to show you?” Robb said in an excited voice.
“Sure.” he said as his team was passing medical information about the monster back and forth.
A small monitor, only a few inches wide and tall popped out of Robb’s back and was lifted with a whirring noise. It displayed blueprints of a set of chains, and a chemical formula.
“Is that some kind of metal?” the doctor asked as he had to come over to the small monitor to inspect it. He squinted.
“Yes Doctor Perry, I made it myself just moments ago! I’ve taken current technology on carbon fiber and spliced it with - -“
“I don’t need the details, Robb, will it work?”
“It will work, Doctor Perry!” Robb said, without a hint of anger from being cut off.
“Take it to the engineering team. Tell them this takes priority.” the doctor said.
“Absolutely, Doctor Perry! You all have a great, great, great day!” Robb said as he wheeled out.
“Sometimes he gets on my nerves.” the doctor told Douser. “But overall he’s quite a friendly companion.”
“I know the feeling well, Doctor.” she told him as she thought of Chancer, and the trouble he’s probably in right now.
Chapter 3
April 2nd, 2015 06:00 AM
Trisha Oslett walked into her office early the next day, after having conceded to an inspection of her facilities. She knew it was coming eventually, and hoped she was ready.
“Miranda, online.” She said as she dropped her briefcase by the side of her desk.
Immediately a hologram of a woman dressed in a suit appeared in front of her desk.
“I am online, Miss Oslett.” Miranda said.
“Give me a report since I’ve been gone.” Trisha said as she settled into the chair behind her large desk.
Immediately, windows of data opened around Miranda, and she started pointing them out. “In the last two days, profit has been stable, no new income generated. However, there is a new prisoner contract ready for your signature in your inbox.”
Trisha picket up her tablet and started skimming the contract. “Tell me about this new prisoner.”
“Prisoner number #58, Ralph Foretta, also known as “Strongman”. Powers include increased strength, increased bone mass, and increased endurance. Known to be able to lift up to two tons with a suspected maximum of four tons. Condition is currently stable. Prisoner is currently in acceptable permanent restraints.”
“Show me his medical data.” Trisha said in between Miranda’s update. Immediately, the prisoner’s current medical data streamed to her tablet. “What happened to him?”
“Per Agent Chancer’s report, Agent Douser suppressed his powers while he was lifting a car, and the car crashed down on him. A note is attached to this from Doctor Perry, stating that the prisoner would have been killed had he not had increased bone mass.” Miranda told her.
Trisha nodded as she read over his medical data and tapped her tablet a few times to see more. “Have him moved to cell block six.” She dismissed the medical data.
“The order