aren’t planning on going back to Miami?” she asks me nonchalantly. “No. Miami just wasn't right for me. I thought I could escape my past but the truth is, I can’t escape it. It will follow me everywhere.” We’re quiet for a moment as we both don’t know what else to say. “You still haven’t told me what you were doing down in Miami. Were you working? Did you make any new friends?” Here is the mother I know and love. She is a master manipulator. She loves to dodge the real question by asking questions that will goat me into telling her what she really wants to know. “Just stop, momma.” “What?” she asks innocently. “I saw Sebastian last night. I know he’s talked to you.” “Oh, Sebastian. Was that what that gentlemen’s name was? I completely forgot.” I smirk at her. She has always been horrible at this. “Sure you did.” I glance at her and then bring my eyes back to the road. We start to pull into town and I park on the gravel parking lot next to the Piggly Wiggly. This is the only grocery store around. “I thought he was rather nice. Charming, too.” “Did you? Maybe I can set you two up since you like him so much.” It’s hard for me to hide my sarcasm and my mother giggles at my response. “Now you know as well as I do, that that man was here for you. It’s not a crush either. You don’t stay in a small town, for weeks, if it’s just a crush. That man loves you and you came here running away from that. Why? I don’t know.” I’m silent as we approach the farmers market and thankfully my mother has dropped the subject. We stay for about and hour. My mother has gotten enough fresh fruit and vegetables for the next month. I’d be afraid it would go bad if it weren’t for the fact that my mother makes jams and purees to last through the winter. We drive back to her house and I come in for lunch. We talk about a lot of nothing and I leave a little while later telling her I’ll visit tomorrow. “You can stay with me, you know. I would love to have you here.” It breaks my heart to hear her say this. I know she wants me here. I know she’s lonely and grieving, too, but I can’t stay at her home. Too many memories of Miles. I’m not ready for that. “I can’t, momma. Jonathon needs me right now.” I hear her murmur under her breath, “I need you, too.” I pretend like I don’t hear her and say goodbye. I get in my car and drive to the cemetery. It’s Saturday so its a little more crowded than the day before. I spot a few familiar faces but thankfully everyone stays away. A cemetery isn’t the place to catch up with old friends. I sit at my son’s grave and start talking about my trip with his grandma to the Farmer’s Market. I tell him about the latest town gossip, about my phone call to Charlie, and I even tell him about Sebastian. This is the first time I have brought him up to Miles. I explain how he came by last night. I tell him how I pushed Sebastian out of the apartment as quickly as possible and that I’m not ready to talk to him yet. Before I know it the incoming car gates are closing to the cemetery. I look at my watch and its closing time. I say my goodbyes to Miles and started to walk to my car. When I get close, I look up and gasp. Sebastian is leaning against Jonathon’s car waiting for me. How long has he been here? His arms are crossed over his chest as his back leans against the car and his legs are crossed at the ankles. It reminds me of the scene in Sixteen Candles when Sam leaves the church and spots Jake, leaning against his car, waiting for her. This isn’t a movie though and I’m not leaving a wedding. I walk over to the car and stop about a foot in front of him. “What are you doing here?” “You said we would talk today. I hadn’t heard from you so I drove over here and decided to wait for you.” He stands up straight and takes a step towards me. I freeze up. My body will literally not move. “Were you