free blacks
as landowners
Northerners compared to
peculiar character of
poverty of
rights denied to
as rural population
violence against
Southern interior. See interior, U.S.
Sport of the Gods (Dunbar)
Stono Rebellion
Strayhorn, Billy
suburbs blacksâ move to white flight to
sugar demands of cultivation of
Sullivanâs Island
Sykes, Roosevelt
Taulbert, Clifton
movement of slaves from
movement of slaves to
movement of blacks from
movement of free blacks to
movement of slaves to
slave population of
third migration
age patterns of
Alabama, effect on
as chain migration
as city-to-city migration
as community endeavor
destinations for
duration of
ebbs and flows of
families in
governmental role in
interior passage compared with
Mississippi, effect on
music and
numbers involved in
original impetus for
plantersâ efforts to stem
reasons for
regularization of
reluctance of blacks to undertake
reverse flow
routes of
seasonal rhythm of
selectiveness of
sexual patterns
timing of
to-and-froing of
transatlantic passage compared with
transportation methods
travel conditions
two vectors of
women during
World War I, effect on
World War II, effect on
Thomas, Piri
decline of
towns, black
Townsend, Henry
transatlantic passage
Africansâ role in
coastal factories
interior passage and, comparison between
march to the coast
Middle Passage. See Middle Passage
third migration compared with
transportation, means of. See also slave ships
transatlantic slave trade. See slave trade, African
during interior passage
during third migration
during transatlantic passage
Tucker, Sophie
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Turner, Henry McNeal
unemployment rate
black vs. white
unions. See also specific unions
United States
African slave trade, end to
foreign-born population
history. See history, U.S.
as nation of immigrants
Up from Slavery (Washington)
urban blues
Urban League
vagrancy laws
Vessey, Denmark
against African immigrants
against free blacks
on slave ships
against Southern blacks
age and sex of slaves in
movement of slaves from
number of slaves in
U.S. slave population, proportion in
vote, right to. See suffrage
Voting Rights Act
Walker. J.
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, Harry
Waters, Mary C.
Watson, John
welfare rights movement
Wells, Ida B.
West, the
movement of free blacks to
as third migration destination
West Indian Carnival
West Indies/West Indians
Wheatley, Phyllis
White, Graham
White, Shane
white-collar jobs
white supremacy
black challenges to
legal apparatus of
musical response to
origins of
wavering of
whites/white America
African immigrantsâ opinion of
as audience for black music
in black churches
immigrationâs effect on
on Loyal Blacks
slavesâ first impressions of
unemployment rate, compared to blacksâ
urban population of
white teenagers, hip-hop and
Wilkerson, Moses
Williams, George Washington
Wilson, August
as Caribbean immigrants
employment opportunities for
as factory workers
during interior passage
occupations of
ratio of male slaves to
on slave ships
during third migration
Woodson, Carter G.
Woolman, John
work and residence, spatial mismatch between
workers. See labor/workers
Works Project Administration
World War I
effect on U.S. economy
third migration, effect on
World War II
civil rights movement, effect on
labor shortages of
military service in
third migration, effect on
Wright, Richard
Yoelson, Asa
Zangwill, Israel